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Drinking Stories


The Party

He felt his stomach lurch, the contents rising...

The music pounded in his ears, vibrating through his head. “Oh no,” he thought. I've got to go home.” He closed his eyes, the flashing of the disco lights made his eyes hurt. He could hear the guests shouting above the throbbing rhythm. He vowed that he would never drink so much again. A glaring white flashed across his face and then it was gone leaving the disco lighting flashing blue and red, yellow and white. He felt h...

 Dancing to Ray Charles: Ch 07, S8ummer Inactivities “I guess it’s about time we had that little talk.” Jake Cahill stood in the doorway to the crowded laundry room, watching his son pull clothes from the dryer.“Oh, I already know all about that stuff,” said Mark. “The stork brings the babies and leaves them under a cabbage leaf.”“So that’s how it’s done. And all this time I thought Doc Miles brought them in his little bl...


Through the meadow she softly tread; Her bruised and broken body bled;Careful to weave to and fro, no droplets left behind to show; The path she took for her escape, on the night of her brutal rape;He was passed out drunk once again; and didn't stir as she crept from him;She'd waited 'til the dead of night; before she began her freedom flight;No longer would her husband be the master of her destiny.  

"Merry fuckin' Christmas," I said to myself as I walked across the parking lot and entered the barThe Cork and Bottle was a neighborhood joint that had a reputation for attracting a rough crowd. I wasn't worried as I could give better than I got if it came to that. It was Christmas Eve, and a lot of the places I frequent were closed, this was the only place I saw that was opened.I took a seat at the far end of the bar and...

Christmas time has come around once more. People were flooding stores buying up whatever gifts they could before time ran out. Houses were decked in lights and all sorts of inflatable Santas, snowmen, and animatronic reindeer. Here and there chimney smoke clouded the otherwise clear skies. And through it all, one could feel the holiday spirit descending upon the town."What can I get for you tonight," the bartender asked a...


...Doesn't always lead to the best thinking.

I like drink,and drink, I think,likes me. What a pair we are,keeping one another company.Like old mates,we have a laugh. Guess what?I don't get a hangover.Never once. Now you hate me,and I giggle "teehee".Anyone got some brie? I'm drunkin the manner of a skunk,so... y'know... berzunk!

Douche bags will be douche bags. We have all probably had a time in our life when someone makes us feel completely vulnerable and used. This date story is a prime example of that. So, there was this guy I was mutual friends with who I was also very attracted to. Tall, dark and you guessed it, handsome as hell. He also drove a crotch rocket which was über sexy. He and I knew one another through a roommate of mine. We were...

Beer Goggles

A poem from the past reminds me that being a single 20-something sure was fun. (And not-so-fun.)

Yes, it sucks to sleep alone.Wouldn't we all like a warm body beside us?To cuddle, to kissthe affection we missCould I give it to youtonight?Oh, how I want toand if drunk I just might.But during this episode of sobrietyI'll pass.Next time you ask(if you ask) I promise to reconsider.Just be sure it's notthe beer talking.

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Wedding DJ 4

Drinking stops your thinking.

Some wedding couples need to remember that their bridal costumes will not give them a super human tolerance to alcohol.Example: At one reception I was asked by the groom how soon could we start the bridal dance, I was puzzled as dinner had just started. When I asked him why I was informed that his bride probably would not be on her feet much longer. It seems she had enjoyed champagne with her breakfast to cheer her specia...

My base was the Presidio of Monterey. The Defense Language Institute, West Coast, to be exact. I was studying Spanish to be a linguist in the Navy. It was a 24 week course. I felt lucky to be there. It was lovely. And I had an aunt not 2 hours away in Cupertino. She was married to a retired Naval pilot. I was welcome to visit there any weekend that I was free. I went up often. On one particular weekend I got there on a Sa...

My Wall Divided

First love changes you

Before I begin, I would just like to say that I’m not proud of most of the things that I’ve done. I’ve always put myself into certain situations without any regard for the consequences. My story isn’t as intense as some others might be, who have written their memoirs dedicated to their intense drug use or life as a homeless person. I’ve never been addicted to any certain drug, unless attention from men suddenly comes in a...

I Fell Out of Bed Twice: Chapter One

Robert's first day of college opens a whole new world to him

Chapter 1: Strangeways, Here We Come September 12, 1987 "Let me tell you about Whitesnake," my roommate Tom shouted as we walked back to Bond Hall from the dining commons. I pretended to be interested he was talking about the worst metal band in the history of metal. He kept going on and on about how much they rocked his world. I was in hell. I didn’t want to spend my first night in college listening to this jackass talk...

Hangover Luck

the lucky boozer

I wantit made crystal clear that this story is certainly not based on personal experience but after talking to my wife's side of the family I've learned a few things. Ooooh, Where's that aspirin, it's supposed to be right here. Why did somebody move the aspirin? Ah, there it is, thank God. Should I take one or two? I better take four, all it can do is kill me and right now, that would be a relief. What do I wash it down w...


He didn't remember seeing Chris at the party, but it's obvious now that he was there.

What the hell did Idrink last night? I thought, head spinning as I came into consciousness. Trying to think past the crippling post-alcohol agony I focused on the details that led to there being a crippling post-alcohol agony in the first place.Okay, best friend is getting married. That’s hard to forget. Bachelor party. Okay. The case of 150-proof Joe dragged out of his car. Things starting to make a little more sense. Fu...

Der Untergang

Maybe a copyright infringement of the movie, but it fits. If you don't know the phrase, google it.

Der Untergang She was a regular mom. Well, maybe not a regular considering she ran her own business, but other than that she wasn’t any different than anyone other average mom. She loved her kids, loved her husband and did what she could for them. She had wonderful friends who made life worth living and was there for her when life got rough. One might go so far as calling her a success, something that wouldn’t be all that...