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2 months ago
United States


Greetings and Welcome to my page.

I am a former DJ, Bouncer, Bartender and Night Club manager in Ft Laud and Ohio. I've been a cab driver, flipped burgers, pizza maker, dishwasher, truck driver, puppeteer, martial arts instructor and Police Officer.

I provided the voice for radio commercials for the various haunted house projects and other Halloween functions and made numerous appearances as "The Count" hence the nickname.

I have been very active in community theater since the 80's and played every bad guy you can name.

Yes, Halloween is my favorite holiday. Yes,I have been collecting vampire/Dracula memorabilia and dressing in black long before it became stylish and had a name. You were not called Goth back then,you were called freak, fag or weirdo and many other endearing names.

If you could quote lines from movies and name the actors you were gay. If you could remember who played 3rd string tackle for the Miami Dolphins in 1977 and his stats, you were one of the boys.. I was never one of the boys.

Between my travels, involvement with the theater, haunted house project, and being a mobile DJ for parties and weddings I have wealth of stories I would like to share them.

Want to chat? If I am on I will respond.

My stories are a mix of what I have seen and experienced while others are pure fantasy.

Vampires, real vampires. Not that Twilight or Vampire Diaries crap. Harley Davidson's, Poker Runs, Toy Runs, Las Vegas,Exploring Old Cemeteries and Mausoleums. I love Haunted Houses (real or man made).

People who judge someone on their personality and talent and not by how much they make a year or what college they attended.

People that know how to tell a story or a joke. Writers, Bloggers, Actors, Actresses, Dancers, Musicians and those that refuse to grow old mentally.

Favorite Books
The Delicate Dependency

The Miko and The Ninja


The Vampire Lestat & Queen of the Dammed


I, Vampire

The Annotated Dracula

The Secret Life of Houdini

Water for Elephants

Favorite Authors
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Bram Stoker
Eric Lustbaden
Anne Rice
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Susan Kay
Sara Gruen
Annie Rampling(Rice)
Ian Fleming

Favorite Movies
All the old Universal and Hammer Horror films, especially the vampire flicks..

Films of Vincent Price,Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, Christopher Lee, Lon Chaney Jr, Basil Rathbone

Body Double..

Exit to Eden..

Body Heat.

Two Moon Junction..

Let Me In

The Story of O...

Dusk till Dawn...


Stepford Wives( the original)....

Favorite TV Shows
Ghost Hunters

Favorite Music
Classic Rock,
Country( a little)
I even like some classic music
Anything but that Rap and hip hop garbage.
Led Zepplin,
Alice Copper,
Warren Zevon,
Jethro Tull,
Bowling for Soup,
Van Halen,
Dire Straits
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