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Sober Stories


Pot should only be legal for medical purposes Don't need a bunch of stoners all over the place High people make me feel nervous They'd be stoned and feeling out of space Marijuana is a drug that should be illegal Don't need kids trying out these drugs A stepping stone to drugs that are lethal Our children don't need drugs they need hugs It's fine for people who are dying or sick Take out the drug portion of the pot Let ca...

Beer Goggles

A poem from the past reminds me that being a single 20-something sure was fun. (And not-so-fun.)

Yes, it sucks to sleep alone.Wouldn't we all like a warm body beside us?To cuddle, to kissthe affection we missCould I give it to youtonight?Oh, how I want toand if drunk I just might.But during this episode of sobrietyI'll pass.Next time you ask(if you ask) I promise to reconsider.Just be sure it's notthe beer talking.