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Desire Stories


Can You Hear My Heart Cry

A lost love brings forth questions.

Pathways to new lovers Lit by pale moonlight. Whispers of desire echo Their hunger in the night. Endless devotion promised Comes from deep within Perpetual affections are Journeys we freely begin. Desire burns in endless flames, Enraged passion to our core, Trickling sweat, molten lava Is when I became yours. Our journey suddenly halted, The scales heavy on one side. For me there was no warning Your devotion, it had died....

Once In A Blue Moon

Finding a true love is rare.

This poem only available on Stories Space. If you are reading it elsewhere it has been stolen. Once in a blue moon, I glimpse a special soul, Reflections of myself, A sense of being home. Once in a blue moon, Dancing in the moonlight, Rapture, adoration, Imaginary love. Once in a blue moon, Dreaming of being one, Wishes, dreams, magic, Set sail across the sea. Once in a blue moon, Grasping, yet un-reaching, To touch, to s...

This poem only available on Stories Space. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.Little star within the heavens,Twinkling down from indigo,Send me shining, sweet delightsAnd drench my dreams in fairy glow.Silver moonbeams flow from your hair,Diamond sparkles adorn your dress;Glitter softly on my face,I long to be a star princess.As I look up into the skyWhere thundering hooves of midnight horsesPull the zoom...

The first time I saw you, You were leaning against a bar Looking around the room Smoking a cigarette. I walked over Standing a few feet away Ordering myself a drink. That is when I first noticed your eyes Dark brown with a golden centre I thought you looked so handsome. A year later We have spent so much time Slowly learning, Working and enjoy life together. Dealing with challenges as they arise. Things haven’t always bee...


craving you

. Dreaming of your face Your mouth Your gentle laugh Has become an incompletion. This hunger draws me closer To the precipice And a nightmare of unwise wanting. Memories of sweetness Cannot feed my heart. I am torn in the effort To understand this silky binding That tethers me to Stony bareness, So near... So far. You draw away in the gloaming, In the violet hour, To the singing of your own heart. Seeking my own filling L...

This poem only available on Stories Space. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.Oh, the stars that danceIn celestial flames,Come, hold my hand,Teach me your games.Hop and skip,And jump for joy,The ugly darkness to annoy.Kiss awayThe midnight black;Bring me the smilesI sadly lack.Touch my eyesWith firelightAnd make my faceSo merry bright.Bend my gazeTo smile, not frown,For I'd look up,And never down.Let me t...

Ice-cream truck is coming

Just as I can fit in that red bikini for the summer, the ice-cream truck is coming

Ice-cream truck is coming, ice-cream truck is comingThe kids on the street start cheeringI try to focus on the work on my deskBut that ice cream truck jingle is so distracting I tell myself to be strongAsking the lord to give me strengthLead me not into such delicious temptationI've been working out hard all this monthTo fit into that bright red bikini that I've kept my eyes on I can’t let this craving ruin my waist Howev...

I will not say your name My lips are yours Yet I hesitate to say it Your presence is known Your thunder rumbles Loud in the darkened sky Words that bring comfort At a distance,a symbol One that only you And I share, ours Soothing kisses Warm touch Wet desire Heated passion Look up into the night See those shooting stars Feel them burn your soul Those stars are mine I own them with greed You belong to me, always No matter...

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Kandi Girl

An ode of desire on the rave's dancefloor

You’ll play these maidens for fools, Dancer dear, Cropped hair atomic pink, steel stud shining In your bottom lip, a bank your tongue overflows When you giggle. Look at you: baby blue UFO pants, rainbow Piping, your silly little bump and grinding; Kandi-coated arms flail like tipsy windmills, Funky Dutch style. Soon you’ll need to pop that paci inside Your mouth, you’re so toon-eyed and trippy But I’d rather plant my own...

Flowing In

all i really want is you

My body floats on the infinite sea, becomes a part of the water and the sky. This beating heart is filled with blowing shapes of clouds and calling birds. There are no words to tell you where I am..... how much I long for you to be the wild and pulsing sea, to be a part of me as I flow in and out of your mind and body. Your voice calls to me and draws me toward the shore where you wait. You think I need rescue but what I...

Summer to Remember

A boys summer vacation of learning.

This was the summer of 1963.A vacation of change for me. I just a boy of sixteen, young and earthy.She an older lady, much more worldly. Lessons taught were very real and sensual.Often dreamed but most incomprehensible. Showing me much more of life was attainable.Dreams come true, incredibly sweet, insatiable. Visiting places I had only been in my mind.Journey around the world totally unconfined. Changing from a boy into...

Waves gently washing onto deserted beaches. Moon light glittering across a watery expanse. Warm breezes wafting softly across naked skin. Fanning hot flames deep, deep within. Fire raging, starting to roar, searing my inner soul. Wishing I was not alone, but with another. Sharing this serene, sensual night together. Giant moon gradually sinking into the sea. Leisurely allowing darkness to seize its grasp. Blocking images...

To thisAnd to what my heart longs forI strive to assemble some semblance of emotionSo I might resemble those identical individualsAnd shine with a smile of my ownTo set me apart from the restAnd wake me from this dreamThe very same glass house I wish I could shatterAnd feel the shards cut away my fleshAs I stand gazing upward to the heavensStars aboveI'm praying for your loveThe coldness of space and tears I knowWill neve...


What life's storm destroys, can and will be renewed.

Storm consumedLove vanished.Spirit destroyed.Hopes crushedDreams shatteredDesires Abandoned Heart woundedEmotions perplexedFriends comfortedSupport offeredRefuge advocatedStrength restoredDreams createdDesires restoredHeart mendedEmotions repairedStorm stoppedLove thrivedSpirit sustainedHopes flourished

Melancholy Mood

More of a reflection than poem, a commentary on mood

Strikes at the heart and oft times will not release mefor days I brood, my world a small focus inside my head At times no bigger than myself and the world just fades away. I lock myself away, not literally, just emotionally, Shut off all my receptors, ignore those that matter, those that care Lose myself in the unquiet of my mind and float in a Seething mass of unhelpful feelings. Dreams and wishes jump at me, Wants and n...