Strikes at the heart and oft times will not release me
for days I brood, my world a small focus inside my head
At times no bigger than myself and the world just fades away.
I lock myself away, not literally, just emotionally,
Shut off all my receptors, ignore those that matter, those that care
Lose myself in the unquiet of my mind and float in a
Seething mass of unhelpful feelings.
Dreams and wishes jump at me,
Wants and needs pull at me,
But I can’t do anything about them because I am trapped
My mediocre life drags me down and keeps me pinned.
I fight against it in my own small ways
But I know I will never be free of it.
It eats at me until resentment is all that remains.
Unhappy? Yes, no, I guess, maybe? I don’t know.
Just melancholy for now, alone and thinking
Not always such a good thing for me to do
I think too much, I contemplate and ponder too much
The what if’s and might have been’s, wherefore’s and why nots,
The regrets!
Is it wrong to want so much more, when I already have so much?
When I lose the more will I then be happy?
Am I greedy or selfish to simply feel this is not enough?
Or am I merely broken?
Broken in mind, in spirit, in heart?
Incapable of happiness and real love?
Am I one of the many masses that cling to convention merely because I must?
Or am I the meagre minority who see thru eyes clear and stark,
Realistic in my sight the monogamous need an unnatural state
That I yearn for release that I ache for freedom!
And yet I do not take any of those.
I know I can, if I truly wanted to I could, I know it
But I don’t.
Fear and faithfulness and loyalty keep me trapped
Trapped in the confines of an open prison,
Free to roam but always chained to the post,
The tether invisible but strong, strangling.
Comfortable in a truly uncomfortable way.
So am I broken? Incapable of happiness; of conscience?
Am I so damaged that I lack even the ability to see it for myself?
Do I merely walk with blinders like some nag brow beaten and plodding.
When I yearn to be the thorough-bred, the winner the runner!
I ache.
I want to wail at the moon and lament my life to the night
Lose myself in sweet sorrow and cease to be
To end; to be alone to be free, to sleep the sleep of the charmed
And awaken to carefree light on the morn.