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The tears flow,I wish I could sleep, to drift down into unfeeling nothingness To cut myself off from this hollow emptiness But the tears flow and my thoughts SwirlPlaying out every twisted scenario of How I fucked it upHow I could have done it differently Of how much of a goddamn idiot I amStunted in emotions Stunted in heart Dead in the head Unable to express what it is that you truly meanTo meUnable to admit, for fear o...

The Lonely Gloom

The world shifts sideways

I want to close my eyes Clench them tight to stop the Spill of salt water that aches to rush And fill this hollow void inside of me. The world shifts sideways Life revolves and history repeats Over and over the insanity of it Drives me further inside myself. Where is that breath of air I need so desperately Where is that space? The sunlight fades on my yesterday and Fails to rise on my tomorrow. Were I to dance in the lon...

When is there a day for sweet sadness? Where; a road for that lonely journey? Locked behind that window pane of caged glass A prison of our own devising that we label A ‘living’… That such living is a myth, A lie we tell ourselves to make the tedium of it bearable, We question not because it has become a necessity The accepted evil in a society that has lost the penchant for Celebration of the simple things – the good thi...
