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Over 90 days ago


Just here and there, around and about yet always close to Home...

I love the Ocean, it has always been a safe haven. Nature Rules Supreme.

Favorite Authors
For now I will say that every author is a favorite for we share the same interest, expressing Emotion...

Favorite Movies
I must admit, not much of a movie buff, I prefer the open air and natural scenerio.

Favorite Music
Jazz, Salsa and some R&B...but that can change in a heartbeat.
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Today was a good day The sun warmed the morning The ocean was calm, just a soft breeze A light touch of salted air caressed my cheeks Not many days like this have I enjoyed For many months it has been cold and dark A soul that once thrived, has lost its shine The fear and uncertain nature of the unknown How quick one is to lose faith in the power of healing Health might be the one thing we take for granted To breathe, to ...


A smile that bring life

How to describe this Can one truly imagine Does the heart really know What it is, this Emotion A need to feel A want that beckons A touch that traces A tingle that craves In you what is found Is Love and care A feeling of protection Alpha Male scent in the air A pulse that thrives Feeling the unknown Your hands guide A body, mind, a soul Those hands are warm They cradle a lost being River darkened from the past Yet clean...

Time is on their side, sweet words They seem in awe of it, the wonder Never rush, wait, renew and savor Sour, sweet, juicy or tart How does one imagine The flavor of the unknown Today they meet Tomorrow they join In the future they bond A friendship unexpected A lost thought floating A grounded soul craving So much to discover, entwined Smiles or worries, joy or grief Who can say, certainly not them They are an ocean apar...
