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Wtf Stories


I Feel Too Much

Unfiltered, completely off the top of my head, totally emotional, cry for help, musing thing.

In my entire life, what have I achieved? If I’d achieved something, anything at all, would I be sitting here at (at time of writing, admittedly, I feel shitty.) 4:42 AM writing this? No. I’d be in bed. I’d be sleeping. I might be out with my friends. Friends. Whatever. I’m not the type to have real friends. I have this one I’ve known for nine years. Nine years is nothing to be sneezed at. She is a real friend. If she saw...

Let's See...

Now, can I do this thing?

This third person narrative thing. I might as well give it a go. Here we go, then...Fuck that shit. You don’t realise it,But you’re illiterate.Think you’re being astute. You’re being ass toot. Wait, that wasn’t third person, was it? Let me try again...I think and then write,I write that I want you to bite,I wonder if you might...This is shite. Yeah, that wasn’t third person either. Is a third person poem even possible? I’...

Everywhere,Shit,It’s abominable.It’s despicable,It’s indiscriminate.It’s shit.Confuseration everywhere you turn,Headaches and kerfuffle,Await beyond each door,It’s shit.How it came to be,No mystery.A psycho’s insanityRevealed in stark glory,The questions beg an answer: Why?What the fuck?Seriously?We all think we want the answer,But, really, what we want,Is to sayGTFO, PSYCHO!*Note: Confuseration is a state deeper than con...