It’s abominable.
It’s despicable,
It’s indiscriminate.
It’s shit.
Confuseration everywhere you turn,
Headaches and kerfuffle,
Await beyond each door,
It’s shit.
How it came to be,
No mystery.
A psycho’s insanity
Revealed in stark glory,
The questions beg an answer:
What the fuck?
We all think we want the answer,
But, really, what we want,
Is to say
*Note: Confuseration is a state deeper than confusion. It’s almost enough to knock you unconscious being so confuserated. It is usually accompanied by the mirth of others, but if the subject is confuserated enough, they might start transmitting it to the people around them. Beware of confuserated people, we’re infectious. Key symptoms are: head scratching, tutting, sighing, braying and babbling and catatonic episodes.
It’s abominable.
It’s despicable,
It’s indiscriminate.
It’s shit.
Confuseration everywhere you turn,
Headaches and kerfuffle,
Await beyond each door,
It’s shit.
How it came to be,
No mystery.
A psycho’s insanity
Revealed in stark glory,
The questions beg an answer:
What the fuck?
We all think we want the answer,
But, really, what we want,
Is to say
*Note: Confuseration is a state deeper than confusion. It’s almost enough to knock you unconscious being so confuserated. It is usually accompanied by the mirth of others, but if the subject is confuserated enough, they might start transmitting it to the people around them. Beware of confuserated people, we’re infectious. Key symptoms are: head scratching, tutting, sighing, braying and babbling and catatonic episodes.