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Kitten Stories


Little kitten, you never learned to meow properly in the short time we had you. You made weird, half-assed cat noises, now it is very, very quiet at meal times. I will miss coming home to find you sleeping on the end of my bed, or sometimes to find your poo on my bedroom floor. I will miss how easily wound up you were, and the scratches you gave me from constantly messing with you. I will miss your occasional angsty behav...

Bedtime Thoughts

Tired, but can't sleep, thinking of Aria. Run away if you don't like mushy musings.

Those nights when you just want to sleep. In this instance, I can't because I don't want to miss my alarm, so can't seem to sleep deeply enough. So I've picked up my phone, and started writing about it. It's thoughtless and stupid. I've no idea if this thing will tail off, or turn into something, but it's worth investigating with both hands. I can't sleep. Beep, beep, beep, goes the smoke alarm. The battery needs replacin...

Good Intentions

A little girl's social conscience emerges on Christmas morning...and proves timing is everything.

"It's not what it looks like," she said. The girl’s parents stared in horror at what had, the night before, been a festive and lovingly arranged assortment of gifts under the tree. "But...but why?" Father reached down and examined a piece of shattered dollhouse while Mother wept. "My teacher said some kids don't get any toys at Christmas." She swung the hammer like a baton as she spoke. "I thought you'd be proud—why're yo...

Love is inexplicable, inextricable,Juices made ever trickleable,Kisses trail down our bodies,lingering on lips, which tingle forever,moans exchanged in a chorus of love,as pure and unblemished as a snow-white dove.Love is infinite, as is its power,if you don't have love, you'll forever glower. My Kitten and I, we love one another,for us, there is no other.'Neath a tree, we shall be married together forever, our souls fulf...

Processing Things.

Some stuff just ain't processed yet, though.

Marination...Wine...Writing...Good combo? No’ always.Y’uft. This isny a poem,it’s a random...Stringing of words.Pseudo stanzas...Drunken rambling,unedited.Crap.And that’s the way it shall stay. For the record, I’m not that drunk, and that "isny", is a Scottish word, so not a typo. I’m tipsy, but not drunk. If I was drunk, I’d still be able to type and make some sort of sense, but that’s my curse. I haven’t been rat-arsed...


Take a skulk through my head.

Thoughts, random and ephemeral,stomp through my head. Some are taken note of,some allowed to float off. Ideas happen daily,some acted upon,most tossed aside. Kitten saunters through,always a pleasant thought.Kitty loves her. Is in love. Projects planned, seeds planted. A bass guitar body, you say? How much? Fifty quid? Mine!I'll take those pups, too. Now I just need a neck,perhaps I'll make one.Thus, a new project begins....

Waking Up

It just sounds like a pleasant way to wake up

We’re lying in bed together and awake the same time as one another. Lazily and sleepily, our lips lock and we kiss softly. Breaking the kiss, we say “good morning”. Mewing to each other, we hug and hold tight, weaving a spell around each other. Our mornings always start off like this, followed by the natural progression, of course. Though only a fictional fantasy just now, I think I can safely speak for both of us, when I...

I Feel Too Much

Unfiltered, completely off the top of my head, totally emotional, cry for help, musing thing.

In my entire life, what have I achieved? If I’d achieved something, anything at all, would I be sitting here at (at time of writing, admittedly, I feel shitty.) 4:42 AM writing this? No. I’d be in bed. I’d be sleeping. I might be out with my friends. Friends. Whatever. I’m not the type to have real friends. I have this one I’ve known for nine years. Nine years is nothing to be sneezed at. She is a real friend. If she saw...

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This May Make You Hungry

I was really hungry when I wrote this

Earlier, I was writing. I was really enjoying it, writing about food and stuff. You know how my musings go. I don’t figure them out in my head before writing. It’s just all in the moment. I like it that way, but my computer doesn’t seem to. Switched itself off, it did! The wee bugger got a smack on the head for it and told that I don’t like it. “I hate you!” Were my exact words. I had this whole section about pork scratch...

I Thought of You

and I smiled

It's a simple thought, but it doesn't stop it being true. My hand, entwined with yours, as we walk. My palm, gently squeezing. My thumb, swirling slow circles around your hand. Fingers interlaced, tight. My arm, around your waist, I pull you in for a long, slow, passionate kiss. Holding you close, my hand rubs along your back and I stroke your hair. I feel you doing the same, pulling me closer, deeper. We kiss like this,...

A Musing of Assorted Assortments

Unfiltered stuff from my mind. Read with caution, laugh with abandon.

Ugh, my nose is blocked, my throat is slightly sore, I feel lethargic and oh yes, I can’t even taste my wine. This really sucks. Sucks more than those folk who don’t know how to use hence. Oh, those fools. Hence. It’s a useful word. It can be used to mean “for this reason”, or to mean “in x amount of time.” Okay, the second one, I didn’t explain very well, but the examples will help, won’t they? Example one: For this reas...

To be called Kitten, his Kitten- it's not just a pet name, it's not an ownership thing It's a love thing It's a cute thing It's a couple thing It's an unexplainable-feelings thing. I feel protected treasured safe secure comfortable visible beautiful. I feel loved when he calls me his Kitten. Which is why he'll always be my K i t t y

The Letter

I love you, Kitten.

Whenever I'm lonely, whenever I start to miss you, I hold in my hand, that little bit of you, I hold it and read it and you're there, saying those words, snuggling, your words enveloping me like a blanket, a warm, comfy blanket of love. And I'm there. With you. It means a lot to me, that letter. You, my Kitten, mean a lot to me, Time and again, I've said it,  Time and again, I will continue to say I love you.

A Poem, Created on a Bus

Just random thoughts, set out in a semi poetic manner

This poem will be short,  As I am with inspiration, Sat here on a bus, I wonder... Why did I say ON a bus and not IN, After all, I'm technically indoors. Ambulating, or more accurately, sitting. I watch the world go by, Listen to music, Lust after the cute girl opposite me, See the rain, smile and sing, sometimes out loud. I'm happy. The girl is cute, but gimmie my Kitten any day. Here's the love part of the poem: I love...