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Sick Stories


Dancing to Ray Charles: Ch 03, Ailing Amy

Would learning the sexy little tramp she hated wanted to marry her best friend cause a relapse?

===The dream was back. So were those eyes. The ones that hovered in an angry sky, seeing everything but focusing on nothing.Amy knew those eyes—knew a time when they’d been filled with happiness and a love of life. But then her brother had returned from  Vietnam.Young, naked, and skinny, she stood alone and vulnerable on a hill surrounded by flames. Everything kept changing. An older man in a business suit waved at her wh...

Feel Better Sweetie

I hope you feel better soon

My poor daughter is not feeling well For a few weeks now she has been sick She has lost her taste and smell Hope she will feel better quick The first round of meds did not work Her throat is really red She really is going berserk She is home sick and in bed Waiting for the new strep test I’m sure she still has it My sweet baby needs to rest I think I’ll make her a banana split She now has missed two days of school I hope...

Not Feeling Really Good

I Don't Feel Well

I really hate to be under the weather I've been sneezing all day My sinuses feel stuffed with pressureI feel sick in every way I've had a fever of a hundred and threeAnd have had a lot of chillsThe fever goes down by a degreeI'm taking my prescription pills Lots of tissues being usedAnd lots of water being drankI'm really not amusedI feel like such a crank My head hurts from my headacheAnd my cough hurts my chestTeeth are...


That everlasting tug game our desires play

Today I want to talk to you about this thing I have, this little game I play, a little game and I’ve played it since I was as well very little. I was born a real realist you see and I knew people aren't meant to have all the things they desire, I also knew that it wouldn’t be wise from my side if while growing I kept succumbing to all the things I might covet. And that’s because if you have a lust for too many things you...

18 Lines Of The Common Cold

A funny rhyme on the common cold

A stomachache, runny nose and a pounding head. A sneeze and a wheeze, I wished I were dead. My forehead felt so red and so hot. They say it's a bug, that's what I have got. To bed I did go, with covers pulled up. Mom’s hot chicken soup, filling up my cup. Sleep I did seek, for a little relief. To end my discomfort, to end my grief. It was not to be, that night of peace. Of mom’s soothing liquid, my stomach did release. Up...

Something is definitely not right. I keep trying to hop around but constantly am running into the lettuce-colored "sofa" as they call it. My neck feels awfully stiff, and I can only hop in circles around the coffee table. I don't feel very good. The big man notices and puts me in a tiny cage, much smaller than the one I go in when it is bed time. This cage is a lot bumpier too, and the smells are different, like when I'm...


Just rambling again

Sick and twisted me Lost in deviant sin The sweet taste of salt The tangy scent of honey Sweat and skin, Water and earth. Sick and deviant me Lost in twisted delight The slap of moving flesh The growl of anguished ecstasy Gasp and breathe Air and fire. Languid soul v. roaring heart Eloquent sigh v. sordid mouth Oh yes, please, Deviant and twisted me. ~ Sweet and delicate me Masked and yet laid bare The innocence of an ang...