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Bunny Stories



Remembering when I was a child.

Easter morning crisp and coolDoes the Easter Bunny drool Hiding chocolate eggs for kids to find What really goes through his mind Does he ever get to watch them scurryBaskets swinging in such a big hurry Looking behind the trees and bushesSmiles upon little face as they pushes Wanting to find treasure before the otherShouts heard look under there from mother Fun times are had by all Trying to find them all Parents too as...

Something is definitely not right. I keep trying to hop around but constantly am running into the lettuce-colored "sofa" as they call it. My neck feels awfully stiff, and I can only hop in circles around the coffee table. I don't feel very good. The big man notices and puts me in a tiny cage, much smaller than the one I go in when it is bed time. This cage is a lot bumpier too, and the smells are different, like when I'm...