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Obsessions Stories



That everlasting tug game our desires play

Today I want to talk to you about this thing I have, this little game I play, a little game and I’ve played it since I was as well very little. I was born a real realist you see and I knew people aren't meant to have all the things they desire, I also knew that it wouldn’t be wise from my side if while growing I kept succumbing to all the things I might covet. And that’s because if you have a lust for too many things you...


come play a jigsaw with my brain

is it a single request? is it an infinite hard quest? what is this pain deep in my chest? I drive for miles every day I drive this lupping lonely way what is this rhyme I always play? I count from one up to a lot I count some serious some not where do you see me tie my knot? why end some starts, then start some ends? why add a minus then abstruct ands? why regret faces than face regrets? did I misspel it? did I mean to? d...

The Power of Invisibility

flash fiction about how private obsessions can manipulate one's life

You wouldn’t pay any attention to her because she was one of the unattractive invisible. But that was exactly her thing. A woman of the common masses. She didn’t party, didn’t go to church, didn’t rock and roll. She wore her coarse dark hair braided and left it unwashed. She balanced thick, clear-rimmed glasses on the pinched bridge of her nose. Across her narrow sloped shoulders she hung a dingy navy-blue nylon jacket th...

Just Punishment

flash fiction satire about obsession in frivolous trends

“This is insanely bogus. Craziness. I’m NOT giving them my cell phone; they can pry it out of my cold dead hands.” Wilson knew this was coming, Brittany had not listened, nor heeded any of his suggestions and now the court had handed down its verdict. He thought the verdict seemed a little harsh for a third time offender, but Brittany was still young at forty-seven and the court could have commuted her sentence just a lit...