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Jail Stories


Oh, Is It, Now? Thanks For That.

Yes, I know the last word isn't a word. Creative licence, y'all.

Just because I gave a man a thock,I’m in the dock,for one wee thock.He batted my sushi away,“meat is murder”, he did bray,so he got a thock,and now I’m in the dock.The judge, not easily swayed,decided I was to be put away,for thirty days, no less!The veggie activist smirked,oh that bastard, he really irked!Shouted his phrase,So I gave him another thock.The judge wasn’t happy,clearly, he shat his nappy,gave me another thir...

Before the creak of keys in the door, came the cacophony of jeers. It swelled in volume until almost painful on the ears, dying to a faded moan after a few long minutes.The man, in the end cell, closed his eyes in the hope that it would soften the assault on his ears. It did not. Four times a day the yelling occurred, never was it necessary. Animals they were, not men, snarling and howling for their supper. Supper! A gran...

A Key for a Key

A script I'm currently working on is eluding me, so I wrote the following to try and work around it.

"Ayyyy?"Abigail gritted her teeth. Why couldn't her father ever, not once, manage her full name? She was simply a sound, a noise emitted from between filthy lips when he needed to refer to her. The screech of her first initial was his calling-cry when he wanted her, or a whine when she wasn't good enough."Coming, Father." She picked up the tray, heavy with ale and meat, curling her skeletal fingers around the oak handles...

An Old Man's Search

He searches, but will he find?

There was a man,a man with a can.A man with a can and a plan.This man, he collected money,this man, he collected smiles,but deep inside him was fear.Fear of rejection,fear of death,fear of not living to see his daughter again.He collected cash,sold his possessions,yet still he had not enough. He hitch-hiked his way across the plains,those vast, unending desert plains,those vast, unending, unforgiving desert plains,he walk...

Life Sentence

What lurks behind the bricked up wall in E-Wing? There's only one way to find out.

“What’s in cell 119?” Albertson looked up at me for the first time since I’d sat down. I’d been building up the courage to ask about 119 for ten minutes, but his expression made me wish I’d kept my mouth shut. He leaned across the desk, examining me closely. I felt suddenly nervous, was I about to be fired before my probation period was even up? “What did you say James?” “It’s just, I was running over some of the blueprin...


One bully gets what he deserves. If only other bullies could get the same.

Punch him down to the ground,Kick an old man when he’s down.Yeah, that’s your style, isn’t it?Cowardly bastard.Fight fair and square? You can’t!But you’re getting yours, aren’t you?Sitting black and blue in that hospital bed, it serves you right.See that man you kicked near to death?Yeah, he had friends. Vengeful friends.They did the same to you as you did to him,How does it feel? Are you satisfied?Are you impressed with...

The Devil's Nest

Frank Baxter was a prisoner in hell on earth, The Devil's Nest, then fate paid a visit.

It was an anomaly of nature that housed nature’s anomalies. Jutting hundreds of feet out of the cold North Atlantic was an island pillar of jagged rock forming a platform above the frigid waves. Sitting on top was a true hell on Earth. A relic of the Cold War, once a fort used by the Americans to watch for Russian ships that would dare attempt sailing the glacier filled waters, has since been turned into a prison they cal...