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Sitting here after just getting off the phone with my oldest friend the other night, and it had me starting to think of that place I left behind me as a place on that long road of a thousand miles full of memories. Visualizing in my mind’s eye the way, the mission valley burned bright from up on Scenic Drive and the block C on the mountain behind that observation point that we all had to paint with lime as part of high sc...

Who invented this language that we speak?Does a bucket leek or leak?Why is there a K in knife or knee?And who the hell spelled psychiatry?English is spelled just how it sounds.Yet everything else is meant to confound.I before E except in weigh?OK, fine, but end in GH you say?An ' contracts but a … omits?Who's to say what punctuation fits?Does a person have a sole or soul?Maybe we better take a pole. Or poll?Stake for dinn...

Tucksford, The Laxton Arms, May 27th. We had no need to cast lots yester-eve to choose who should entertain after supper tonight. Almost as soon as the Cook had finished his tale of the Devil and the Lady, the widow Dame Elizabeth called out above the hubbub and general hilarity.“Dear friends,” she said, “for that is what I must perforce call you now, there being none of my family left alive. The cook has regaled us with...

Reality of War

Peace never comes when the perils of war are taken lightly.

The perils of war, are furrowed deep in the memory of many, escape seems unobtainable, within the confines of minds young and old.Those who were lost, are not only those who perished in the conflicts many, but those who were left behind to remember.The perils of war, are furrowed deep, deep inside the recollections of those souls, who came home from battle misplaced.As the battles still rage on, within their dreams.We sen...

I met a crocodile with a smile as wide as a mile. Said I to the crocodile"what are you doing with that mile-smile?"Said he to me "I've just had a tasty tourist!"He looked at me with eyes of wist,"are you a yummy snack?"I looked him back"no, Sir Croc, I'm full of grist!"His eyes of wist, 'came full of mist"I need my dessert!"I smiled at him"how about that woman there? She's lovely and pert!"His smile of a mile disappeared....

Searching in the low light,Twisting on the needles,Head spinning,Tongue swelling,Hands trembling,Heart aching,Eyes all grainy sleepy andI cannot drift away.Memories melting in the shadowedCylinder of sod off,Churning in the bronzing goldAnd swirling past my nose,Faces laughing,Shoulders hunching,Fingers clawing,Legs twinging,Eyes all bleary sandyAnd I cannot switch me off.Brightening the day light,Dimming down the fairy l...

Things are heating up at work. Apparently, spring didn't get the memo that it's her season, and us here in Hawkes Bay have gone straight to summer. It's not a major complaint, though, six months of summer sounds amazing, and it's even better because our Christmas and New Year's are in the summer. Because things are heating up and it's getting hotter, we leave a note for all the parents that they should start packing sun h...

17 Alternatives to NaNoWriMo

Not feeling the love for National Novel Writing Month? Here are some other options...

1. NaNO!WriMo: Do not write anything — not a single word — for 30 days. The challenge is tougher than it might seem. 2. NaDoWriMo: Chronicle every episode of The Simpsons in which Homer exclaims, "D'oh!" This, of course, requires watching every episode of The Simpsons. Not a bad way to spend the month. 3. NaSloWriMo: Writing shouldn't be a race. Take it slowly, savoring the process, and don't worry about the number of wor...

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As a young man I was a night owl/late sleeper. Getting me up for chores and school was often difficult. One morning Mom had given up and sent Dad up to “Get him up NOW!" I slept in the top bunk of our bunk beds so Dad stood just a little above eye level to a sleepy head like me.  I was having a very vivid dream in which one of the Ford tractors wouldn't start. I looked at the battery and noticed a hairbrush stuck handle f...

Bawtry, The Swan, May 26th. A much more cheerful party reached Bawtry well before dusk after a brisk walk of about twenty-four miles, having left the Lamb once we had broken our fast on bread, cheese, and ale. The task of providing our night's entertainment fell on the cook, a jolly fat fellow, with a laugh like the bellow of a bull. We were starting to get to know each other better, and there was much chatter on the road...

Every season has its own features which make it special and different.Certain people admire the summer's weather; hot sunny day, going to the beach and eating glaces.While others prefer winter; rainy days, wearing coats and enjoying the smell of the soil which helps a person to relax and seems like a breath of fresh air.Personally, I like the latter because it gives me a new breath,just the sound of raining as well as the...

Bright Eyes/ My Angel over tater tots you stole my heart two from different worlds become one love can do many things carefree what could happen then the sound and then louderthe cough and the word none wish Cancer life spins out of control my Bright Eyes grew wings 6 years ago today now she guides my journey now she is secure in my heart my Angel

The Feast of All Saints

I was working late after celebrating the feast of all Saints.

Except for the guards at the lobby, I was the only one in the building working. All lights were off. The only lights are on my working area. Coffee at my side as I busied myself on the financial reports. They were needed within two days time for the stockholders meeting. All my attentions were focused on the white screen of the computer.When all of a sudden, it felt chilly and the scent of flowers or candles lingered in m...

Standing here on the roadside, and catching myself daydreaming about the way things sometimes are, and see the ones all love are the ones that are hurt the most when they should be the ones who shouldn’t be hurt at all. And it seems in most cases they seem to take pride in covering up the truth with lies, with their corrupt ways making them blind. As if they had drunk deep from the waters of those rivers of blindness near...


What's real?

Yesterday I was optimistic as the sun, broad as the sky, impish as the morning mist. Now I bleed, slowly, like a finger through my letterbox. Today,the sky-hooks are embedded in my fllesh again, and I am dead inside.