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Dreamscapes Stories


Lying here hearing the sound of thunder coming from the front that rolled in during the night, and sometime during or after the midnight hour as I find myself drifting off to dream. Starting to begin the crossing of those blue hills on the border there, as I enter into the realm of Morpheus, the dream lord and finding myself drifting deeply and crossing the river. Knowing that you are also there in this plane of dreamscap...

There is a storm building high up in the mountains and the passes and hearing the thunder rolling down and seeing the lightning split the night, and being here in that deepest hole of both the night and of the new day. Lying here tossing and turning as the night stretches out like a drawn blade, and having to hold on best that I can until night's end and the morning's light. I got deep inside of me a mixed-up form of conf...

Sitting here late at night and half asleep I seem to hear a voice calling me, as I listen and wonder if it is only in my mind or is it coming from someone I failed in some way or merely left behind? To sort it all out, I let all of the good and bad guys I have been along with the demons and angels who defeated them, come together in me now as I greet them like a cast that’s been assembled like a gathering in an empty room...

It seems at times as though we have been like living on a prayer, and we need to hold on to all that we have and all we had and that’s important. We have each other and that’s enough to get by most times and going to make it with you, or go down swinging for the fences and die trying to do all with you.And all we need is a change in another place where all isn’t so cold, and walking the streets and recording all that I se...

Midnight Ride Re-Visited

The original was the second one written, and written on my knee in about 10min. in 2002

Looking back is a bad habit and though we try not to look back most do, and the hour is getting late and it looks like the time has come once again for me to ride hard and fast across the range, as I ask if you in a kind and clear voice shall we dance? Or will you come and join me as I make another midnight ride? Even if there seems to stand a form of unforgiving opposition that usually hides some form of destruction in p...

Arc Light

Originally I believe titled Old Souls

It seems as though there have been times in this Vale of Tears, as though I have traveled across both the universe and through the years, with there having been times too that going all the way was just the start. And sometimes when half asleep I hear a voice calling out to me, which has me wondering if from my mind or from someone I left behind or failed? Wondering if all has changed me somehow? With everything seeming t...

Sitting here late at night and half asleep I seem to hear a voice calling me, as I listen and wonder if it is only in my mind or is it coming from someone I failed in some way or merely left behind? To sort it all out I let all of the good and bad guys I have been along with the demons and angels who defeated them come together in me now as I greet them like a cast that’s been assembled like a gathering in an empty room o...