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Lowenna and the secrets of Light and Darkness: chapter 22

"Who will find Lowenna, and what happened to Azmil."

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Chapter 22 search for Lowenna

Rique had seen Lowenna crash and was running through the streets. Grilk was just behind her while carrying all the bags and weapons. It had only been by chance she had looked up and seen the flying woman, which she had just known was Lowenna, the bright pink wings had been a big clue.

"Why we run?" Grilk mumbled grumpily. He didn't like running. Orcs weren't made for running, as he had told everyone who would listen. It was very rare he ran anywhere, now he wasn't an orcling.

He could count on one hand how many times he had run since coming of age. Once from a volcano, twice in Penbirth when he had been late, he had run from Zarkar while saving an unconscious friend, and now. He had charged into battle more than a few times, but he never counted that as running, that was charging.

There were only two things which Grilk could think, were worse than running, retreating, and green veggies, though now thinking about it a friend dying was probably worse, maybe.

"I saw Lowenna. She flew into the tower," Rique replied pointing at one of the tall lookout towers only a few streets away.

"She flew?" Grilk asked in astonishment, as he caught up with Rique.

"Yes on pink wings," Rique replied. Grilk didn't understand, but he picked Rique up and ran through the streets, he might not like running, but he was pretty quick when he wanted to be, and it was only a few streets away, so he wouldn't have to listen to Rique complaining about being upside down for very long.

Jibranz was also heading to the tower. His Queen was furious, he didn't understand why, only that he had been ordered to bring the Lowenna to her. Jibranz knew the stories on how dangerous the Lowenna were, but his Queen had ordered him and the other guards, who were on duty, to get her. So that is what Jibranz was going to do.

The five guards headed down the streets. Queen Darcarial had told them they would find her by the old lookout tower towards the farming area, only a few streets away. She had also ordered them to follow the sprite girl. She could detect the Lowenna. Rune was not going to disappoint her queen, even if she felt uneasy about hunting down her friend.

Two men and a woman stood over Lowenna's naked, unconscious body, "Is she dead?" one of the men asked curiously.

"Not sure," the second replied, "You touch her."

"By the Angelous," the woman cried out in irritation, as she pushed past them. She placed her fingers on Lowenna's neck, feeling for her pulse, "She is alive." The men looked at each other before they gingerly pulled her from the smelly pile of rotting food. As they lifted her up, the woman wrapped a blanket around her. "We have to get her out of here before the palace guards or lawmen turn up," she stated, knowing it wouldn’t be long.

The two men were silent as they carried her, while an older man kept watch. The woman walked over to him. She could see he wasn't pleased. "I know you have your objections Callan, but if the Queen gets a Lowenna under her control, we might as well run or submit to her will."

While still watching Lowenna, Callan pulled a face showing his displeasure, "We should just kill her, and be done with it Melda, she could already be corrupted."

"She wouldn't have run if she was corrupted, she would have stayed with the queen, and you know it!" Melda responded.

"I'm not so sure, she could be a trap, why else crash here, so close to where we hide out." He replied thoughtfully.

"I believe she can save us,” Melda said sounding hopeful. “A Lowenna may be the only chance we have to free Darcarials followers," Callan just huffed.

"The only way to save your son is to kill the queen or possibly block or destroy her source of magic. And no one can look at her to kill her, and we have no idea what her magic is, let alone how to block or destroy it. It's almost hopeless," Callan muttered back to her.

Melda blinked a few times before looking at Lowenna again, "This could be our only chance," she said, “We either try or give up, and I’m not ready to accept Jibranz is gone.

"Alright Melda, for you and Jibranz, and all of the other corrupted, but don’t think I won't be keeping an eye on that girl."

Suddenly five men wearing gold breastplates, followed by a small young woman, entered the clearing. "Leave the Lowenna be and surrender, in the name of Queen Darcarial," Jibranz shouted.

"Jibranz!" Melda shouted, "please my son, don't do this." The men carrying Lowenna looked at each other before passing her Melda, as the old man quietly stepped away.

Jibranz raised his eyebrow slightly as he drew his sword while signaling the other guards to wait. He took a few steps towards the two men who had also drawn their swords. "Lay your weapons down and surrender," he ordered, then he looked at the woman, "you will all be brought to the Queen… mother."

The two men ran at Jibreaz, both with their swords ready to strike "No!" the woman shouted, but it was too late Jibranz blocked both swords with his own, spinning into one of the men. He grabbed his wrist and thrust the man’s sword into the belly of his partner, before thrusting his sword into the uninjured man's chest. Jibranz removed his sword and released the man’s wrist. Both men fell to the ground, dead.

Jibranz now turned to look at his mother, "Surrender the Lowenna to me, or you will share their fate, by the orders of Queen Darcarial."

Horrified, Melda took a step backward, and Jibranz pointed his sword at her, "Please Jibranz, don't do this, think of your father and your betrothed" she cried pleading with her son, tears running down her face.

Callan coughed to bring Jibranz attention to him, "It's no good he is corrupted. He must be stopped!" He said as he dropped his walking stick.

Jibranz laughed as the woman cried, "And what are you going to do about it old man," he asked. "The Lowenna is to go to the queen, as will you. Put your hands up and surrender."

Callan slowly lifted his hands up keeping his palms hidden, and two of the guards walked towards him.

Callan stood unafraid as he revealed his palms to the men, each had a crystal embedded in them. He flexed his finger, and a stream of blue flames flew from one, and a shockwave erupted from the other knocking both guards off their feet and sending them across the clearing into a wall. Both fell hard and didn’t move.

The flames headed towards Jibranz, but Rune raised a staff with a bright red crystal on the end. The crystal glowed dimly, and the flames changed direction, striking the magical stone, and vanished.

Rune tilted her head and smiled, as the stone pulsed at the end of her staff. The old man took a step back but thrust his hand at Jibranz, but the shockwave dissipated causing him no harm, Rune’s staff again absorbing the magic. "I’m afraid we must insist, the queen wants Lowenna, and we have been ordered to bring her by any means, and not to let anyone stand in out way."

The Callan swallowed hard, as Jibranz raised his sword heading towards him, he felt the colour drain out of his cheeks, knowing this was to be his end. He closed his eyes expecting the sword to strike when heard a clang of metal on metal. After a moment he opened his eyes and looked at where he expected Jibranz to be. To his surprise, there was the huge green and brown mass in front of him. It took him a moment to realise it was an orc.

Grilk stood there protecting the old man, using his sword to block Jibranz swing. Jibranz had been taken by surprise. He had never seen a quiet, stealthy orc. Stealthy maybe wasn't the right word, but he seemed to have appeared from nowhere and moved very fast. He jumped back, ready to kill the orc. This wouldn't be the first orc he had killed, but an arrow landed by his foot, stopping his attack.

Rique stood on the edge of the clearing a look of determination on her face. Her cross bolt, already reloaded, covering Jibranz, and her magical ring, was pointing and the old man behind Grilk. "Leave my friend alone," she shouted making sure everyone heard her.

Rune took a step towards Rique "Lowenna is your friend Maven?" she asked. Rique's eye twitched, but she didn't reply “How did she know I'm a Maven?” she thought as she moved the crossbolt towards the young girl. Grilk had a good sniff. "She’s my friend too," Rune continued, "and I would let you help her. I can tell you care a lot for her." she turned her head and looked at Grilk, "As do you orc." She turned back to Rique, "but my queen wants her to be her slave, like us."

Jibranz glanced over at Rune, "I am not a slave! I follow my queen because I love her."

"As do I, as does everyone who has ever seen her, but that is exactly what we are, and why the queen wants Lowenna," Rune said. She paused a moment before continuing "And I’m sorry, but Queen Darcarial also ordered anyone found with the Lowenna must be brought to her, or killed. She didn't care which. I’m sure she would like to have a Maven, a battle-hardened Orc, and an old mage under her control, so you have a choice, surrender or fight and escape, oh and your magic is useless as long as I hold this staff." Rune held it up in the air and smiled suggestively.

Rique looked at the girl in astonishment. It was like she was trying to tell her what to do. She quickly fired her arrow, hitting the staff, knocking it out of her hand. The other two guards charged at the woman who held Lowenna, but the Callan raised his hands again, and his magic knocked them both across the clearing, landing on their unconscious fellow guards.

Jibranz had chosen a different tactic, charging at Rique, now she didn't have an arrow ready to fire, Grilk roared, to try and make him stop, it slowed him only momentarily. He thrust his sword at the young Maven who stood before him.

Rique dodged to the left, dropping her crossbolt and drawing her dagger. She jumped over a low sweep, then ducked under a high swing, before blocking Jibranz sword with her blade.

Jibranz was impressed, not that he wasn't going to admit it. She was faster than him, faster than anyone he had faced, except a lawman. He spun round his sword going high then low. Rique blocked each one, but as he went high again, he swept her legs, catching her unprepared.

"Sloppy," Rique thought as she rolled to the side avoiding Jibranz sword, but then he stood on her arm pinning it and the dagger to the ground. Rique pushed her ring forward, but the beam of light shot away from Jibranz, and into Rune's staff, which she now held again. Rique's eyes opened wide as Jibranz raised his sword for the kill, but Grilk suddenly knocked him off his feet.

"Stupid orc," Jibranz shouted angrily, as he rolled to his feet swinging his sword, but Grilk blocked it with his shield. Grilk took a swing with his sword, but Jibranz avoided it easily, the sword hitting the ground.

Rune pointed her hand at Rique, and lightning shot at her. Rique dived to the side avoiding it, before throwing her dagger at Rune, again knocking the staff from her hand. Then she pointed her ring at the golden haired girl, which erupted in a stream of yellow sparks, forcing Rune back.

Jibranz swung his sword again, this time, Grilk wasn't fast enough, and the sword cut his arm. Then he spun behind the old orc. The plan was to stab him in the back between his lower ribs, but Grilk, ignoring the pain, launched himself backward, surprising Jibranz. The thrust missed its mark, just grazing Grilk's side, and he pinned the sword with his arm. Jibranz froze for a moment, unsure what to do next as he had not expected, the orc, to trap his sword, and Grilk swung his free arm back, elbowing Jibranz heavily in the side if the head.

Jibranz released the sword. He couldn't focus. All the could see was his queen's face, which made him smile. Grilk slammed his fist into his golden Armour, denting the chest plate. Jibranz took another step backward before falling, now unable to breathe or think about what was around him.

Rique stood in front of Rune who was sitting on the floor, her arms down. Rune looked at Jibranz, then smiled at Rique, "You have to kill me, or knock me out, else I will have no choice but to follow you." Rique didn't have to be told twice and struck her as hard as she could across the face. She heard a gasp of pain, as Rune fell, face down on the floor and didn't move.

"We have to get the Lowenna out of here," Callan said, gratefully looking at the two people who had just saved his life.

Grilk picked up the unconscious Lowenna, her head supported by his chest, "You lead."

Callan nodded, guiding them down a side street. Rique had a quick look around. Something still felt off, she picked up her cross bolt, reloaded it and followed the others.

Rique kept looking at the rooftops. She was sure she had seen someone. Her vision was better than most but still had only seen glimpses of movement. The group finally turned into an old pub, the smell of stale beer, and damp hay filled the air. Callan and Melda went over to the man behind the bar, but Rique walked up to Grilk "I think someone is following us," she whispered.

Grilk nodded, "Me can smell a lawman, but different magic, from girl and gold guards."

"Different magic?" Rique asked, unsure what Grilk meant.

Grilk pulled a face, "Me no know right words. Gold armoured men and girl had a sweet smell. A new magic, me no know. Lawman smell like lawman has fire or thunder magic or ice magic. Me can't tell," Grilk gave another long sniff, "lawman close."

Grilk placed Lowenna down on a table and grabbed the handle of his sword as Callan walked towards them, "We have to get the Lowenna in the back, we have a healer," Grilk growled. Callan took a step back, before turning to Rique, "your orc seems a little on edge."

Rique stared at Callan for a moment, "He is not my orc, Grilk is my friend. All three of us saved a group of kidnapped children, and hunted down a group of raiders." Rique looked over at Lowenna's broken, still body. "She saved my life, more than once, I owe her." Rique added.

"I see," Callan said, looking thoughtful "So the Lowenna does not want to enslave everyone?"

"No," Rique said with a smirk, what this man was suggesting was just unbelievable.

Grilk growled again before looking at Callan, "Take Wenna and run." and he drew his sword.

Callan didn't understand who Wenna was for a moment. He bent to take hold of Lowenna when the front window smashed, and a lawman rolled into the room. The man closest to him got up and got hit with the end of the lawman's bow as a reward. The man behind the bar got shot in the arm, and another arrow was fired at Grilk.

Grilk blocked the arrow with his shield, but ice suddenly spread over him and along the floor. Rique tried to move, but the ice had trapped her shoes. She raised her cross bolt, but an arrow shot out of her hand, lightning buzzing around it. She went to raise her magic ring, only to see a flaming arrow was now pointing at her.

Azmil kept the arrow pointing at the girl. She had magic, and if she raised that ring, he would not hesitate in killing her. The orc was starting to move, but he had time. "The Lowenna, where is she?" Callan pointed to the table with the unconscious Lowenna on it. "You abandoned me and left me to my fate, but I've found you, and it looks like you are the one who will die this sun Lowenna."

"Leave her alone!" Rique cried out desperately, "She’s hurt, and she wouldn't abandon you unless she had no choice."

"She was supposed to find the queen and help free the lawmen from her control," Azmil snapped.

"What the ones who were hunting her for no reason," Rique argued back.

Azmil went silent for a moment before he finally lowered his bow, "You and the orc. You were with the Lowenna when she ran."

"Yes, we were," Rique replied, "and you were one of the lawmen ordered to retrieve her?"

"Azmil," Azmil said, with a bow. "Freeing my companions takes priority. The Lowenna left me behind. I had to flee, from several lawmen and guards. When I got out of the palace, I saw a group of guards heading out, so I followed them. I saw you defeat them. I’ve been following you ever since."

"So you’re not spellbound?" Callan asked, "You haven't seen Darcarial?"

"No, but when I do I will put an arrow in her," Azmil retorted, and his eyes flashed with magic and anger.

"No, you wouldn't," Callan replied, "Belive me if you look at her, you will doubt yourself, unable to strike, and if she looks into your eyes you will love her and be under her control."

Azmil was silent for a moment mulling over what the old man had said, "If you speak the truth, then, how do we free the others."

"I don't know," Callan replied, "I believe the only chance we have is to find the source of her magic and destroy it, and even then there no guaranty that the corrupted would be freed, or if they will survive the sudden loss of the magic." Azmil walked over and placed his hand on Grilk. The ice melted off him. Grilk shook the melting ice off, before growling again at Azmil. "Our leader thinks the Lowenna may be our best chance. It's clear that Darcarial wants her, and if she gets control of a Lowenna, there may be no stopping her."

Rique coughed, so everyone looked at her, "What about Hymdale’s secret? The legend of a gift buried deep under the city.”

"A stupid story to tell children, there is no proof of any powerful magic under the city," Callan replied, with a huff, dismissing the idea.

"Most legends and stories start with some fact and the Lowenna did come here long ago. The story goes after they took Hymdale, their army went into the tunnels of the old city and were never heard from again.” Rique replied, remembering the story from her childhood, hoping it had some truth to it.

"Me know the story too!" Grilk said, "It told by orcs, giant stone left by God, hidden in maze of darkness and fire. It said for no one to find."

"I’m sorry, but there is no, hidden maze or old city, no gift from the God’s, it's just a silly superstition. Darcariel uses dark magic to enslave people," Callan argued, but Azmil folded his arms, thoughtfully looking at him. 

"There are tunnels under the palace, made of dark stone. Lowenna knew where an entrance was and knew of more passages." 

Rique looked at Grilk. He knew what she was thinking about, Lowenna's vision. Grilk cleared his thought. This was something he might regret saying, but they needed to know. "Wenna has visions, dreamscape, she in dark tunnel, running for life. Told me she did." he finished with a nod.

Callan looked at Lowenna. "No matter what we have to get her in the back room and healed," he said, and Azmil nodded in agreement.

With that being said, Grilk picked Lowenna up and walked into the back ducking through the door, followed by Azmil and the others leaving only Rique. "Lowenna died in those visions," Rique thought to herself, the feeling of dread entering her mind. She clenched her fist and looked at her ring. It had been calm but now glowed again. "I will save her," she softly said to herself before she slowly followed the others.

Written by rbo
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