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Over 90 days ago
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If there was a reset button In this life, Where we get to Restart each time we feel We have failed, Or gotten hurt And wanted to forget, Would we use it? Would we really want to Forget what made us Human? Forget what made Us who we are, Despite the tremendous Pain we may feel? But what if we pressed reset, And yet, Continued to make The same mistakes Over and over again, Because once we reset, There is no memory Of what h...

So many losses, Young and old. Tears and regrets Of words unsaid. ‘They died too young’ Or, ‘They lived a good life’ So many things to say, Legacies left behind. Memories, laughter. The one who passed, Definitely is remembered. So, why then, Do I think of myself? How will I be remembered? What will others say of me? Have I left a legacy? Something that will make Me memorable? How many will miss? Are there unsaid words? Re...

I am angry 'Cause I was sure. I knew what I wanted Despite my fear of attachments. I am angry 'Cause I got hurt. You up and left, Threw me away for another. I am angry 'Cause I'm confused. You said things, like you love me, Yet you never bothered to get to know me. I am angry 'Cause I feel led on. You made me feel special, But also made me feel like no one. I am angry 'Cause I believe my feelings were real. I'm sure it wa...

I can hear them trying to coax me to go back. I can feel the dark shadows' fingers reaching, trying to grab me, to pull me back into the dark pit. They're angry, because they had pulled me into the dark pit and tied me down with the slimy vines and the pokey tree trunks to make sure I wouldn't be able to escape, but I did. I got away. I freed myself, then ran as far as I could towards the light. I got away. And now they'r...

How in the world did we get here? One moment we were kids with small problems that we deemed the biggest problems in the world, like not wanting to have a bedtime because we were "too old" for that crap. Or, not being able to get that brand new toy that every kid seems to already have meanwhile you're there stuck with old, outdated toys. Those were the small problems that we used to deem as the biggest problems. And what...

Maybe it's a game. You know, the kind of game little kids play all the time.You have a toy that you loved but got over it, so you move on to another toy. And the toy from before no longer has a meaning. It's out of your mind until you see someone else pick it up.Then you want it again, so you go up to that person and start to fight them for your old toy because now you realize that it's your absolute favorite.Maybe it's l...

They're back. The screamless faces. The silence, their tears of pain and the emptiness of their eyes are the loudest, noiseless sound I have ever heard.  Unexplained heartbreaks. I never did understand. They came again for a visit, to keep me company, they said. To see me once more. It's been much too long.  My demons, my unwelcomed friends are here to give me this unwelcomed reunion. They escaped from the locked cage tha...

I hate summer, Because of the Hot weather. But I love it so, For the outdoor fun. The hiking, The swimming, And especially, The camping. I love the tank tops, Shorts and sandals. The sun dresses That makes me feel So pretty. I love the big sun hats, And oversized sunglasses. How cold, hand squeezed Lemonade tastes Like sweet heaven Under the hot, Scorching sun.I love autumn. How the leaves change Colors, How they float Sl...

How do I live When this is over? How do I cope With this overwhelming Feeling of loss In my chest That makes it So darn hard to breathe? How would I Be able to define My own existence if Everything I had Known to be true, Suddenly stopped, Disappeared, And no longer ceased To exist? How do I live in A world that No longer included Yours, When for so long, I had existed in your World, your reality? Where do I begin And wha...

The voices are Loud, Angry, Sad, Hurt. They're mostly quiet during The day, When the sun is out, And everyone is around. They pretend to disappear, To be her friends And tell her To be a reasonable human being, With patience and understanding. But when night approaches, The voices turn Into monsters with eyes That glow red, Razor sharp teeth, And nails so long, They could kill. They scream, They growl, They cry and beg, M...

How do I get past this? The darkness that Overwhelms me, Covers my light. My screams can't Be heard. My cries Are muffled. My tears are Camouflaged. How do I get away? How do I fight? All the lights are on, Everyone surrounds me. But in a room Full of people Who loves me, I have never felt So alone. They can't see The tears that fall, My cries and screams For help. They can't see Behind the mask, The walls I have built. H...

I know you are hurt. That you think you are ice. A thousand walls put up, Soldiers guarding every small cracks, Ready to defend the Enemy of memory, of what use to be, of new, possible love. I know you think you are Frozen forever, That you cannot truly love again, As before. I know you think you are monstrous, A beast, Undeserving of love From anyone and everyone. I know you think you Deserve to be hurt, To be unloved. I...

I was whole,  A whole person  Before you came along. You caressed my smooth skin,  Admired my silky softness.  Kissed and licked  Then declared, I am yours to keep. Everywhere you touched  Left marks.  Marks I knew would never disappear, Yet I loved them all the same. Each day that passed,  You left more marks,  Marks of love, you said.  I embraced them, embraced your love. The marks began to hurt When you no longer cares...

This selection contains language some readers may find offensive.Girl, Darling, My dear friend. Please don't do this. This, whatever you are doing, Just stop. You don't need a man to define you, Much less, a man to make you strong. You don't need a man to tell you, Just how beautiful, you really are. And you especially, Don't need a man, to tell you how sexy you are. Fuck that. Instead, walk to your mirror, And say "I am...

One look was all it took Before I felt myself fall again. It happens all the time, This endless cycle. I fall, I break, I heal. You come, you smile, Whisper to me your sweet poisonous words. I get sucked in, and the cycle starts again. How you have this hold over me, I'll never understand. This addiction, The need to be near you, The need to hear your voice, To feel your touch. I promised not to go through this again, Not...