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Break Stories


How can we forget our lost love? Why forget them? They are the ones who grew us up, they are the ones who destroyed us, they are also the ones who abandoned us in the countless shipwrecks of our hearts. Why chain ourselves to the risk of breaking every link with every sigh, every desire? They met, they loved each other from a distance, fled, got together, hugged each other, gave each other their long-awaited first kiss, l...

One look was all it took Before I felt myself fall again. It happens all the time, This endless cycle. I fall, I break, I heal. You come, you smile, Whisper to me your sweet poisonous words. I get sucked in, and the cycle starts again. How you have this hold over me, I'll never understand. This addiction, The need to be near you, The need to hear your voice, To feel your touch. I promised not to go through this again, Not...

Escape the Plague

But until then... give her a break.

She's so ready for Spring Break, so very ready to have...  a week,  she thinks,  off-  off,  and away from school,  and pressure,  and overly emotional moments in one particular classroom. Away from worry, and fear, and pain, and anger, and everything else, everything else that seems to pop up. Maybe she'll stay off the web too, just speak with select people, stay away from everyone else, avoid it all, emotions are a plag...