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United States



Holly departed the following night leaving Carpenter to sit and ponder his next course of action. He had dealt with the hunters many times over the years and he had no qualms about killing if it meant survival, but this was the first really intelligent on...

So on a frigid Sunday morning I began my trek from Cleveland, Ohio to Indianapolis, Indiana.The entrance ramp to I-77 South was treacherous and roads were no better with top speed was maybe 40 mph. I-271 South was worse as only one lane had been used sinc...

Doctor Vincent headed his buggy back to town. As he rode he though about the conversation he had with this man called Carpenter. He was sure that he was one of those that he had sought and destroyed all across the Western states. Be they called Nosferatu,...

The highly polished wooden floor was cold against his bare feet, but he didn't seem to mind. Sweat was rolling down his face and would have wound up stinging his eyes if not for the sweatband he wore. The front and back of his loose white karate uniform w...

During the long ride home sleep still escaped Tina so she kept Kat company while she drove and Val slept. "Ya know kid, you have some decisions to make," she started. "Decisions?" "Are you going to keep up at this?" "I was planing too, there will be new p...

Night had fallen and Carpenter exited his resting place deep within the cave on the Indian burial grounds. The Lakota's penchant for violence when dealing with trespassers kept the townsfolk away and their reverence for the ancient dead kept them away, so...

So the next day Tina registered for the contest and was informed that because she was under eighteen that her parents would have to sign off the entry form. She informed her parents of her intentions at dinner that evening and was surprised when her Dad r...

Tina had been working out for just under a month and could not believe the results. Her waist had lost its fat and her abdominal muscles were starting to show through. Her thighs had leaned out and one could see the separation between the front and back m...

Tina sat in her seat and waited. The end of the school year was less than fifteen minutes away, she could hang on that long. She breezed through the finals and was sitting there just counting the minutes. No more greetings of fat ass, chunky monkey or any...

Penny tore open the card that she had already made out to Ian and added some more lines to the ones she had already penned. She then selected a fresh envelope and addressed to him and placed it in the stack she would drop off at the drive up post office o...

First week of December. The tree and decorations had been put up the day after Thanksgiving and now it was time for card sending. Penny sits cross legged on the floor of her bedroom with the boxes of Christmas cards that she purchased last year the day af...