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Problems Stories


I realized, just around the time I was approaching Saturn, that I’d forgotten to have my mail stopped.It’s very cold there, even if you’re dressed in lots of layers and wear your Snuggie.If you think living someplace where the weather is the same all year ‘round is tedious, let me tell you, it’s a hell of a lot better than the vacuum of space.I’d finished up reading all the magazines I’d brought along way sooner than I th...

Will it work out?

The day it all changed

I’ll never forget that Wednesday: made redundant at my age. What now? Daphne was working, my redundancy package was okay, but I’d planned on another five years topping up my pension pot. That night, I sat at the table, papers strewn about, jotting down numbers, hoping I could afford early retirement. It was possible - but tight. I sighed, leaned back in my chair and rubbed my temples. Daphne walked up and added another sl...

My kids touch my heart Each one has a spot The smiles The tears The screams And yells Some of them have went threw hell The wheelchairs The mental and physical restrains Each one has their own special way To learn the names and faces of the kids Is to learn they are full of love And ready to give

So on a frigid Sunday morning I began my trek from Cleveland, Ohio to Indianapolis, Indiana.The entrance ramp to I-77 South was treacherous and roads were no better with top speed was maybe 40 mph. I-271 South was worse as only one lane had been used since that last round of severe Winter weather came through and again top speed for all was about 40 mph. I finally reached I-71 South and at least 3 of the 4 lanes were open...

The Haunted Harley

Miranda finally found a buyer

The kid at her door could not be older than 18, Miranda thought. He looked harmless enough so she opened the door. She wasn't really worried because despite her slender and shapely appearance Miranda was a match for any male twice her size and weight. She had to be as she was a bikers woman. "Hi, and what can I do for you?" she asked. "Is that motorcycle in the garage still for sale?" Miranda smiled. The bike had belonged...


I needed a new routine, so I took steps.

On Tuesday, I started a new routine. I identified a self-destructive pattern, which I am so wont to, so I decided it needed to be taken in hand. I was getting up really late. On Monday, I got up at 4PM. Yes, it was for a good reason, which will only be known to the people to whom it is known. My previous routine may sound like a good thing - go to bed when it feels natural, wake up when it feels natural, but in truth, it...

A young woman was sitting behind the desk, looking intently at a document, and nervously clicking her pen. As I came in, she looked up at me, giving me one of those formal smiles that I hate so much. I liked that particular smile though, maybe due to the fact that a charming dimple appeared on her left cheek. She was dressed in black business suit with white wide–collared shirt, and looked all business. “Hello,” I said. “...