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This is a true story

Anyone who knows me is aware of just how much I hated high school. I have only a few happy memories of the time I was forced to spend there until I quit, and one of them concerns the school wrestling team. This was an old school, and the wrestling team pr...

Their Dad came home from work in a great mood. He hugged his two girls and then kissed his wife and the newborn in her arms. "I have a surprise," he said with a smile and the girls crowded around asking what it was. "Taa-Daa," he said and produced three t...

It had been another brutal self-imposed workout at the Chrome Anvil gym. As I head to the juice bar I nod to some of the other members that I recognize. "This shit was a lot easier thirty years ago," I tell them and they all agree. Most men of my age are...

Recently I was reminded about the day I quit high school. Many of my friends believed the decision was made in haste, far from it. I spent a great deal of time on it. I even called a few potential employers and inquired if a high school diploma was mandat...

Score 4 4
368 Views 368
954 words 954 words

Broken hearts, it's something that many young men and ladies experience. You will recover from your first heartbreak but you will never forget them. Here is the story of my first experience. Now I had quit school at sixteen and went to work despite all th...

Score 1 1
314 Views 314
1.9k words 1.9k words

Three Seperate Tales of The Paranormal

These stories are all true.

#1. It was the year I was doing a show in Omaha, Nebraska that I met Sandy, a self-proclaimed white witch. I had been fascinated by the dark arts for some time and began to read and dabble in them attempting to expand on my sometimes ESP experiences. I wa...

It started with a phone call from my wife who was out shopping. "I'm bringing home a cat," she told me. "You don't need my permission. Is it in need?" I asked. "Yes, he is and he's a big boy," she responded. "I look forward to meeting him," was my final w...

It was not a great Summer. The girl I was seeing decided to seek greener pastures and I fought with my buddy Dr. Radio about the way he ran his mobile DJ business. We had a verbal disagreement which ended with my quitting and stopped taking his phone call...

My Buddy Dr. Radio

A true story.

My longtime buddy called Dr. Radio has been gone for about twenty years, but the stories he related to me about his experiences will live on for as long as I do. He was a tall, well-built, good looking son-of-a-gun that was always well dressed and barbere...

The Interview

This is a true story.

I can't recall the year but I was out of work just as the Summer was beginning. Back before the internet, job seekers were forced to peruse the morning and evening paper. I happened to come across an ad for a day camp counsellor and called the number. A v...