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Over 90 days ago
United States



Lay down here with me, lay down. I'll lie on your shoulder and you'll rest your head on top of mine in our very own king-sized bed. Lay with me, Andrew,  And we will see the world together, two of the few to find someone true. True Love.

I Love You

You know who you are <3

All of it was true-What I said in the letter-But you already know that,Don't you?There were some rough patches,Amidst all the randomness,And sweet words,But we talked about those-Your words had mine caught in my throat.You do that to me so often-leave me...

Book Journal on Denial by Jessica Stern

a book journal... essay-like thing that I had to do for psychology... beware: disturbing.

Denial: a memoir of terror, written by Jessica Stern- experienced by Jessica Stern- talks mostly of Concord, Massachusetts and areas around it. It starts in the first couple chapters at the night that changed everything for her and her younger sister. The...

I've Imagined... But

Originally thought of it as an improv'd song... now it's just a poem.

I've imagined... An apartment, Pet friendly, College in the afternoon, Work in the evening,  Snuggling at night, and spending time with you... Sleeping in the morning, doing it all over again. I've imagined... A career as a midwife, Possibly a nurse, Hour...

Nymia- Female Crap

Inspired by the original music video for Alyssa Lies by Jason Michael Carroll...

They lay there, comfortable together- he was in a good mood, chatting about football and his truck. Missy (Nymia) nods in all the right places and smiles at him, and kisses him when he leans in for one, but for whatever reason tonight, when he wants more,...

My Dear Friend

Inspired by Dear Friend by Stacie Orrico (in my video gallery). For my dear friend...

Dear friend... If you only knew how important you are...Dear friend...You have a purpose in this world all your ownDear friend...No one can take it 'way from youDear friend...Don't take it from yourself.Dear friend...If only you knew how much I careDear f...

Philena- Reality

Just a short whatever kinda from her POV, kinda not, about dreams and reality.

She held her covers over herself in an attempt to hide from her nightmares. Curled in a ball, she felt protected and safe- much like a cat does when it sleeps that way. But if she had only known then what she knew now, she'd escape to dreams- no matter ho...

Horror-Film Reality

From my other site, a child abuse awareness piece...

Some nights, are calm. No shouting, No screaming,No pain.Most nights, though, are just like tonight.Painful. Loud. Twisted memories, Horror-film dreams.Mother at work, Father drunk, Fists flying, Words stinging.A child's history being made.Why? Why Daddy?...


rain music is beautiful, I miss it...

Rain on the rooftophear it? It's playing beautiful music,for you,oh for you,only for you,hear it?You don't have to share this music,no one else will ever hear it, this rain music, you make it,whatever you hear,whatever you feel,it's reflected in this musi...