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Messages Stories


We Miss You Daddy

For Reece and Giorgia.

We miss you daddy Are you watching from the sky? Did you like the messages we sent? Tied to balloons that floated high We sent them to the Angels To pass along to you Mum say's you're an Angel now Daddy is that true? She says you will watch over us That we'll never be apart Even though we can't see you We will feel you in our hearts We miss and love you Daddy But promise not to cry We will see you again one day Until then...


He calls her beautiful...

He calls her beautiful- so often those words are on the screen, waiting for her to say thank you for the compliment. She does- blushing on the other end, giggling, but doubting so often. If you saw her, you'd think the doubt was fake- she struts about, confidence showing in every step, but that's all pretend. She thinks- if I pretend to be confident for long enough, maybe I'll actually become it. He calls her beautiful- w...

I wonder if...

Just a thought and a prayer

Do you ever read through some messages And realise just how much you love someone? Ever just sit and think of that person?Realise that they make you happy?That happened to me just tonight. Here I am, sitting around, bored, so I fire some Led Zeppelin on and start hanging around in my inbox.I read some messages to myself.I smiled.Something made me.Was it that we had experiences in common? Was it that we didn’t pysically se...