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Over 90 days ago
United States



You've only got yourself

No matter how things seem, the only friend you have is yourself.

A chain of broken promises, slowly chiseling away at our once solid relationship. "I swear things are different this time"; words I have heard many times before. Momma, once a term of endearment, is now nearly synonymous with betrayal. For months now I have stuck by your side, regardless of how I felt about your decisions, and regardless of how unappreciative you were. I was still under the impression that "your kids are...

Something is definitely not right. I keep trying to hop around but constantly am running into the lettuce-colored "sofa" as they call it. My neck feels awfully stiff, and I can only hop in circles around the coffee table. I don't feel very good. The big man notices and puts me in a tiny cage, much smaller than the one I go in when it is bed time. This cage is a lot bumpier too, and the smells are different, like when I'm...

...and never again

Never have I ever had my heart broken... and never again.

Never have I ever, nor will I ever. . . A firsthand look into the pain of a young girl's first love and her corresponding first heartbreak. Life is messy, and all you can do is pick up the pieces, brush the dust off of your shoulders, and move on. Never have I ever been in love at first sight . . . And never again. Never have I ever had feelings for a coworker . . . And never again. Never have I ever adored a man so that...