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Threats Stories


For Danny, it seemed that since his mother’s letter about being unable to visit for a while, the Flints’ attitude towards him had hardened. Albin Flint, in particular, became more involved, and not in a good way. Danny was sure that the man had declared his own personal war on him. Threats were constant. Flint was frequently warning Danny about staying away from the woods. Tempting as the sheltering branches of the trees...

The Secret Life of Mrs Faulkner - Chapter Two

How well can you claim to know someone?

Missing Pieces:"Mr. Faulkner," the man said. "My name is Michael Bennett, and I was your wife's lover."Tom stood there, stock still, wondering if he had heard correctly. Michael Bennett looked at Tom oddly, questioning whether he had heard at all. He cleared his throat again to speak, but Tom interrupted him. "Mr. Bennett, you have ten seconds to get off my property before I inflict some serious damage."Michael nodded in...

A Fathers Battle

Only wants his boys happy and safe

Over the past 14 years my friend has fought firstly to see his two boys (who at the start were 5 and 2.) Now he fights to keep the youngest attending a well-regarded Private school that he solely pays for. While the boys’ mother and stepfather have repeatedly removed him and now tell him he doesn’t need to go. The last time 2015 they removed him during his end of year exams so the youngest now has incomplete results. Also...


Rise and Fall Ch 6

it's getting harder to breathe, it hurts deep inside. ~silent scream

Normally travelling around the city took a while, following Dia to work and back home took, at least, thirty minutes. However, some perks of being dead, it was simply easier to run through walls to get to their destination. Dawn and Light trailed slightly behind Steve, as they knew. He finally had an excuse to rally the rest and take care of the demon girl. They also knew Dia would not like that in the slightest.When they...


Sometimes you need to relax to allow for survival

LIFEBOAT Why is it.. that when you try the hardest... Fighting the current... Struggling to keep your head above the foam and the waves and the debris, You always end up with that bitter acrid polluted seawater in your mouth Running through your teeth.. Down your throat  Choking you Until... You slowly give up....leave it to Fate And ...Fate carries you on, until, Your last breath. When Shore is finally in sight Strive!

Liquid Lunch

A reporter learns a lesson about questioning a tough character.

Rupert swallowed his liquid lunch of tomato juice and noticed how difficult it was to suck the juice from the many large cubes of ice the bar man had filled his glass with. He looked over the rim of his glass at the gathering glitterati assembling for the charity concert in Convent Garden. I will get a good interview tonight, he told himself psyching himself up to assertively approach the famous people and gain their atte...