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Stepfather Stories


My stepfather

Such two speeches cannot wait: I LOVE YOU and I AM SORRY. Elsewise...

When I was only six and my younger brother was two, our father passed away. Since then, my mother and we were dependent upon each other. Our days were difficult. My mother had to work very hard to keep our family together. The income was just enough to cover basic expenses. Until one day, my mother ushered a man into our home. She asked us to call him - FATHER. No, he was just our stepfather. I was nine that year. My step...

A Fathers Battle

Only wants his boys happy and safe

Over the past 14 years my friend has fought firstly to see his two boys (who at the start were 5 and 2.) Now he fights to keep the youngest attending a well-regarded Private school that he solely pays for. While the boys’ mother and stepfather have repeatedly removed him and now tell him he doesn’t need to go. The last time 2015 they removed him during his end of year exams so the youngest now has incomplete results. Also...