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Rise and Fall Ch 6

"it's getting harder to breathe, it hurts deep inside. ~silent scream"

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Normally travelling around the city took a while, following Dia to work and back home took, at least, thirty minutes. However, some perks of being dead, it was simply easier to run through walls to get to their destination. Dawn and Light trailed slightly behind Steve, as they knew. He finally had an excuse to rally the rest and take care of the demon girl. They also knew Dia would not like that in the slightest.

When they ran into view of the Cafe, the street lights just came on, as the streets grew increasingly darker under the shadows cascading from the buildings around. Pink and blue paper lantern string lights kept the patrons surrounded in an airy, lighthearted feeling. The rest of the boys looked incredibly bored waiting for Dia to leave finally and let her staff close up.

Andrew noticed Steve running up to them and shifted in dismay, wondering why he was here. The twins snuck past running straight to Dia. They just barely caught what Steve told the rest as they passed. By the resentful looks of the rest, it wasn't going to take much for them to chase Fatima out.

"She is a threat and unstable enough to be a danger to Dia," Andrew concluded after Steve finished telling them what had happened. He knew full well, however that a cleaver soaked in holy water wasn't enough for her to deal any real damage. He was just incredibly spiteful that she threatened him in such a way.

Tommy however simply laughed, "A little girl like her wouldn't be a match to even one of us. I don't see why you are all concerned." Jacob and Jake glared at him till he looked away awkwardly. "Not like we can do anything about it anyway, plus Dia wouldn't appreciate us doing something like this without her consent."

Steve grabbed him by the collar and yanked him forward, "It's for Dia's own good that we do this. That girl will only cause problems. She might not forgive us for it, but it must be done." Tommy shoved him away and brushed himself off. 

Andrew, Steve and Jacob stood there for a moment pondering what they could do. Alex listened but didn't actually care. He just wanted to see what happened. Tommy fumed at Steve and was a split decision away from just punching him in the face. Jake was ready to stop him before he could. 

"What about her? These sorts of things are her specialty," Jacob stated after a moment. The other two took a moment.

"Doesn't she charge heavily for personal calls? I don't think she owes any of us personal favors to do it for cheaper," Andrew replied.

"As if we have money in the first place!" Tommy muttered to himself, as they glared at him again for not having any helpful input.

"Well, it does directly involve Dia, so she might just do it anyway," Jake told them slightly skeptical that it would actually work. The boys all decided it was worth a try and bolted down the street. Tommy sighed irritably, and Alex shrugged before they both pursued the rest.

Dia had been examining the contents of the envelope further. She had several pictures sprawled over her desk. She leaned over them, checking and double-checking to see if they were photoshopped or even one slight difference to show it was a false alarm and there was nothing wrong. 

When the twins burst into the room, she swept all the pictures into the envelope in one swift movement. "Can't you wait till after I leave to bother me?" They shook their heads no, and she sighed, "Then what is it?"

"We broke Blondie," They said in unison. She gave them a questioning look. They looked at each other edging the other to tell her, so they didn't have to themselves. She began to feel impatient.

Dawn began since they weren't getting anywhere. "We kind of overwhelmed her and she snapped."

"And then threatened us with a cleaver soaked in holy water." Dia stared at them for a moment before she burst out laughing in their faces.

The twins averted her gaze as a wave of embarrassment washed over them. "That sent you idiots running to me? What do you want me to do about it, you probably deserved it!" Dia shook her head disdainfully. 

"Well, Chris and Leonard stayed behind to keep an eye on her, but Steve decided that if you weren't going to do anything about her, he was and got the rest to agree she needs to be removed," Dawn told her darkly. Light nodded in agreement, worried about what sort of reaction Dia would have.

They both jumped at the sound of her giggling. She smiled lazily and shook her head as if she just heard the most ridiculous joke. She stopped with an exhale and gathered up the envelope and her purse. After stuffing it into her bag, she strolled out of her office past the twins.

Some of her staff glanced and smiled as she walked past them. She stopped in front of one of her servers, a tall boy that reminded her of some of the idiots who follow her around. "I'm leaving early, something came up that I have to take care of right away, so you're closing tonight." There wasn't an air of question, everyone who worked for her knew her word was ultimately law and arguing was pointless unless there was a valid reason. He already had the spare key to close the cafe just for this reason.

Dia left and began to walk down the dim streets. There were fewer people out at this time in the evening as the sun was soon to set. In a blur, she reached into her purse and grabbed a gun, which now was concealed, on her person. She didn't look to check to see if the twins followed her or not as she headed to her destination. 

She casually strolled back the way she came. She whistled softly along the way. By the time, she reached the apartment complex, the sun had just about set, and a crescent moon slowly peeked out from behind some of the buildings. The sky was rather clear, but light pollution blotted out the stars. One thing she missed when she was an angel was that she had a clear view of all the stars amongst the black.

The street was void of life. Dia felt the silence and the out of place stillness as she crossed the road. She stepped up to the front of the building when she saw a lady standing just under the street light. Her silhouette almost resembled Fatima's small frame but was taller and curvier. Her black hair cascaded down her shoulders and over her face. 

Dia tilted her head slightly. She hadn't noticed the lady standing there before. She walked closer, noting it in her mind, but not particularly concerned. The lady suddenly snapped into awareness and skewered Dia with her eyes. Dia glanced at them to see they were a bright slightly luminous green that swirled like crystalline water within her irises. The lady then walked away in the opposite direction with a turn of her heel.

Dia dashed up the steps into the apartment building and acted like she belonged there as some people shuffled about in the hallways and reception area. As she approached the door, she heard shouting on the other side.

"For the last time I am fine, stop fretting over my hand!" Fatima's voice was clearly heard even a few doors down. 

Another female voice followed, "You say that all the time about everything. Stop using it, it won't heal that way!"

"I'm not going to let a simple burn slow me down, Kate! Do you see this?" Dia began to snicker as she crept closer to the door as she heard Fatima continue. "This giant bowl of pure torture! I need two hands for this."

Dia knocked on the door loudly so she could be heard over the yelling. A third voice, "Oh thank God." A girl slightly taller than her opened the door, her bubble gum pink hair swished as she opened the door with excitement. Her shoulders slightly dropped at the sight of Dia, her green eyes were obviously contact lenses and with a second look, the hair was also just a wig.

Dia smiled with a tilt of her head, "Expecting someone else?" The girl nodded and sighed slightly put out.

"My boyfriend said he was coming to get me, and save me from those two." She nodded back to Fatima and Kate sitting at the table as they kept bickering. "So which one are you here for?" 

"Fatima," Dia replied observing the girl's stance. Not only did she not want to be there, but she looked bored as hell. She held her phone in her hand and with a slight glance down her face immediately brightened.

"You can just come on in. I am out of here!" The girl grabbed her purse and bolted from the apartment.

"Bye Jasmine!" the other two called after her. Fatima muttered angrily about some coward afraid to come to the door. She then saw Dia, and she smiled slightly, "Oh hey!"

Kate turned and looked at the girl now standing in the middle of the room. "Hi, I'm Kate." She stood up, and she was just short of being the same height as the girl who ran out. The girl was definitely petite, and her brown hair was tied back in a bun as she stood there for a moment.

She snapped onto another topic, "Oh shoot!"

Fatima glanced at her warily for a moment, "What is it now?"

"Who's going to cook dinner?" She became concerned, "Jasmine just left, so she can't do it."

"And obviously, you can't cook, even with me looking over your shoulder," Fatima laughed. "Looks like, it's pizza night."

Kate grabbed her phone from her pocket, "The usual stuff right?"

Fatima stood up and hugged Dia real quick, "You want anything?"

"I'll just steal from you."

Fatima slowly faced back to Kate, "Make the cheese pizza a large."

The girl glanced back, "Oh, a medium will be enough."

"But I'm hungry," Fatima jested with a fake plea. Kate rolled her eyes and walked away. 

Dia took a moment to survey the area quickly. None of the boys were in sight. She sat down next to Fatima, who was reaching into a large bowl and grabbing a handful of beads. She could see that the bandage on the girl's hand was clearly Chris's handiwork, 

She let out a breathless sigh, "Oh I'm going to kill them."

"What was that?" Fatima perked her head slightly. She was too focused on sorting beads to hear clearly what was said.

"Nothing," Dia replied and gave her best disarming smile. Fatima gave her a wary look and continued with her daunting task. "Do you need help?"

"Nah, I'm good," She hesitated feeling the dark look she received. "Help if you want then!" She reached for another handful with her burnt hand. Dia grabbed her wrist.

"Don't use this hand."

"Oh my God, not you too."


Grey didn't need to see wings or a halo to figure that the strange man was an angel. What concerned him was why he was here and what he thinks he could accomplish by following him home. His lips twitched into a sneering smile and his fingers itched for the touch of a smooth glass bottle and a cold crystalline glass. He didn't consider himself having a drinking problem he was just sophisticated. 

Both men stood awkwardly in Grey's private study. Whereas the guy moseyed around examining some of the loose beakers and test tubes Grey unwittingly had left out, Grey himself made a beeline to a cabinet in the corner of the room off to the right and pulled out a bottle before sitting down at his desk. He brushed away the papers and junk cluttering his desk and poured himself a cup of Dalmore 62.

"Surely my company isn't that bad, Mr. Grey." The man gave a dry laugh picking up a vial containing a mysterious clear mixture. 

"Perhaps, that is what you think. This would be the first time in a long time I didn't have a drink before the sun went down." The man nodded and turned his attention to the wall of books on the left side of the room. "Never caught your name."

"I never threw it out there, but you can just call me Dark if you must call me something." He skimmed his fingers over the spine of a wide black leather book. There was a slight buildup of dust that had accumulated, showed it was cleaned but not for a while. 

"While you are going through my stuff without permission, you might as well tell me what it is you want, otherwise, get out and put that vial back where you found it." Grey didn't even look at Dark as he started going over some paperwork. Dark hastily complied and placed the vial he had tried to pocket down on the edge of his desk.

"I am tracking someone. I heard that you were the best for situations like this." Grey leaned back in his chair to examine Dark fully. He stood seemingly not in a defensive posture, but there was an edge to his voice. 

"I will need more information than that to be able to help you," he saw his bluntness slightly disturb Dark. He calculated his response carefully.

"A girl. She purposely fell, I am to bring her back to where she belongs."

"Ah, so an angel with a mind of her own," Dark gave a look of malice and continued with loathing that was more prominent that he had to go to such depths and required the help of Grey. "Well, then I'll see what rumors about fallen angels are spreading around, and if I find something, I'll find you." He shuffled the papers he briefly examined and pushed them off to the side exposing a Galaxy Prime Core cellular phone. 

Grey stared at it hard, "What's the point of having one if she never uses it." Dark snatched it before Grey could take it himself. 

"Who's she?" He raised an eyebrow at him turning the phone over in his hand. Grey took a moment, thinking of an answer to throw the angel off, but Dark took the hesitation as an answer. "You're not telling me something."

"I don't owe you an answer or explanation regardless what you might think." 

The phone cut Dark off before he could snap his rebuttal back and they both awkwardly looked at the phone. The contact image of the incoming call was a blue-eyed redhead trying to block the camera with her middle finger. Dark glared at the image, his eyes turning slightly dull before tossing the phone at Grey.

He let it continue to ring, if it were important, they would leave a voicemail. Sure enough, the icon appeared and Grey quickly activated the phone to listen to the message. 

"Hey Dia, what's this I hear about a demon problem? If you don't call me back by morning, I'm coming down there to see what's up, because your idiots are annoying the hell out of me about this." There was a pause, "I might dispatch one or two of them anyway. How do you put up with them?"

"Damn it, Sarah," Grey muttered under his breath as Dark slammed his hands on the table.

"Where is Dia?"
Written by Anonymous
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