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2 days ago
United Kingdom


Here to share the wisdom and light, happiness and sadness, and the two chief elements of life, health and love. The former has been letting me down lately, but the latter is here to stay.

Writing, gardening plus everything else.

Favorite Books
Too many for me ever to get through

Favorite Authors
From Dickens, through D. H Lawrence, to Steinbeck, Updike and Connelly

Favorite Movies
The long list starts with Beau Geste and goes on into infinity (but not the sci-fi infinity)

Favorite TV Shows
Anything that doesn't carry a reality tag or the word 'celebrity'

Favorite Music
Piano Jazz
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The High And The Humble Chapter Fifteen Near Exposure

Jack and Becky realise confession of their indiscretion is inevitable

Jack Wetherley walked slowly, morosely, along the front of the new stables. Not since the death of his father six years earlier, had he ever felt so low. Passing the open-gated front of the twenty, as yet, unused stalls, he was asking himself whether his...
