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Kids Stories


Getting A Little Heiny

Sometimes we’ve done a better job than we think we’re doing…

Camping. Love it or hate it, it sucks. Rainy tent erection. Sucks. Boisterous drunken neighbours. Sucks. Mosquitoes. Every single one of them sucks. What doesn’t suck are the shared lasting memories that are both measurable and immeasurable. The indelible ties that bind. The best of which involve firsts. This year, in the shadow and under the stars of our glorious Rocky Mountains, we shared a beer. And not just any beer,...

I was sitting inside at a table with a few children, and we were doing puzzles. It was so hot that we, the teachers, had made the executive decision to bring the kids inside and just chill out. We had Netflix for kids on the TV and some of the children were sitting on the mat and watching. Three of them, actually, had fallen asleep, all in the same position, all facing the same direction, funnily enough. Some of the other...

I was sitting at the messy play table, with some freshly made playdough. I had the kids helping me roll it out and add colour to it. I had the usual mini rolling pins and cookie cutters out that my helpers were using. "My Nana is picking me up today," T said excitedly. "I'm going to stay at their farm.""My mummy is picking me up today," C replied. The two besties happily chatted between themselves for a bit, talking about...

I was watching, amused, as two girls had a tiff over one of the activity boards. One of the girls stood up and made to walk away. The other girl said something I couldn't make out. The girl who was standing turned around, put her hands on her hips and declared loud and proud, "Don't care, grumpy bear!" then she stormed off in dramatic four-year-old fashion. That's a great line. I'm using that in any future tiffs or argume...

Parenting is for Life

A father nurtures those he loves...

She came to me crying after the Holidays. Literally crying.  She said she never felt so mistreated in her life. It felt like all she did was cook and clean the entire time the girls and their families were here. I spent so much time taking care of them that I didn't have time to enjoy them. They were never like this when they lived with us. Why are they doing this now? This was my cue to be fatherly and set things right b...

Kings and Queens

Yet another body parts story.

Coming from within the kids' bathroom I heard the unmistakable sounds of children laughing, a pause, some low sounds that I could not quite make out from where I was, then the loud sound of laughter once more. Walking across the classroom, the low sounds became clearer, as a picture was painted as to what the children were doing in the bathroom when they were supposed to be getting changed after having some fun summer wat...

My Rock Star Prince

My little rock star is growing up

Oh where did the time go  My rock star  From cribs and rocking chairs  Long, sleepless nights  Lullabies that only Mommy can sing  To  Xbox video games, girls and cars  And 'Mom, I'll call you later' So many dreams to dream Keeping dreaming big dreams  You have grown wise and responsible for your age  But no matter how big you get, you're still  My Rock Star     

My Little Pumpkin Princess

My princess is all grown up

Oh wow  Where did the time go  From sippy cups and cribs  And Mommy watch this  To  Boys and trucks and no mommy  My mini me  in every way  Now its wedding plans and big dreams  Picking up AJ's toys and singing lullabies You have grown into a wise young lady  But will always be my pumpkin princess   

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As a parent, you warn your kids about the dangers of the world.  Hopefully, they grow up safe and sound, after heeding your good advice. I had managed to do just that, I raised three boys to their mid-twenties and they are good men.  I proudly passed on my sense of humor and sarcastic outlook on life to them. I was not aware that I had passed on one other thing. The idea that if you are upset with or mad about something,...

Mole Story OneI can't recall when I first realized I had a mole under my arm. It was located in the center of my armpit. Early grade school is my best guess. For the most part, I was blissfully unaware of its presence. Doctors had assured my Mother that it was harmless and there was no need to remove it. It was in third grade that my awareness of it became more pronounced.In those days desks were lined up in neat rows. Ea...


The year is 2547 and kids still complain about taking their lessons.

“Aw Mom,” whines Jeremy. “Do I have to take history? I hate history.” “Yes, you must take it this term.” “But history always leaves...” Jeremy thinks, “a bad taste in my mouth.” “I know dear, but we all have to do some things that are unpleasant at times,” she explains. “Besides, it's required if you wish to graduate.” Reluctantly, Jeremy takes the educational capsule and swallows it down with some water. “Yuck!” he grima...

Let's Go to the Amusement Park

A day out with my kids

I love to go to the amusement park Spending a wonderful day with my kids Sometimes we stay until dark A few times we’ve eaten BBQ Ribs We go every week like clock work I bet in three years we’ve gone a hundred times It would drive most people berserk My kids never complain about the long lines Our favorite rides are the roller-coasters We enjoy going very fast We never want it to go slower We have an absolute blast The sp...

Ramblings of a Madman by kscorn080 (pete)

Elders must stay on the sidewalk, leave those kids alone.

Ramblings of a Madman by kscorn080 (pete) I took a walk one fine fall day Stopped for a bit, to watch some kids at play They were playing a game called tackle the man All were piled onto a kid named Dan I kinda felt sorry for the little guy Cause he had got smeared and had mud in his eye He had a scraped place on the side of his head A huge hole torn in his shirt of red I started to go and give him some aid And for that m...

Old Bill

A story of an old man being a friend with kids

A poem written by kscorn080(Pete), long, long ago Old Bill The old man sat on the porch step The children all gathered around He told them stories about his life Concerning wealth that he'd never found He told them stories about his dogs and his cats Some about the people he'd met The children would listen in wonder and awe As his old one-eyed dog they would pet He was a grizzled old man His clothes were just rags There w...

Broccoli And Cake After a long day at play, I came in for a meal. On my plate was Broccoli, “Hey! What’s the deal?” “It’s good for you.” Mom said to me, and I’d better eat it now. My stomach didn’t want it though, and decided to have a cow. “Oh mom, I’m feeling sick;” to her I tried a lie. Hearing the fib she turned to me and gave me the ‘All-knowing eye’. She did not say a word to me, simply walked out of the room. Uh-oh...