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Midnight Stories


Another New Years Eve, another party. I’m not sure how I got roped into going. I’m not really a party person. I didn’t want to be there, that’s for sure. If there had of been a way to leave without being noticed I would have. Most of the people there were work colleagues with their wives or girlfriends. If I had of been caught sneaking out I’m sure I would have been ribbed at work for weeks. It seemed the only option open...

Mighty Midnight Monster

Beware the Mighty Midnight Monster

A mighty midnight monstercomes creeping and crawling.It wants your blood, wants to devour you.It lurks ‘neath the bed, biding its time,plotting, scheming... It must have your flesh.Its pointy teeth are sharper than cheese,its claws are enough to make you beg “please!”A growling laugh, a moaning bellow,it’s really not a very nice fellow.Under the bed is from whence it creeps,whilst its victim innocently sleeps.Eyes of blac...

Adventures In The Heart Of Midnight

Midnight's heart, the adventures therein

Adventures in the heart of MidnightCall for lightlessness.Deep, and high, and vast is Midnight;I mourn for my flightlessness.If wings would cascade through my skin,Downy, dark and silentThey'd carry me through, deep withinThe heart of Midnight, silent.Broader are his wings than anyTo cover up our sky.Cool and hush and sleep. So manyOn the dreams of Midnight fly.Defenseless against the rosy beamsThat creep through his cloa...

This poem only available on Stories Space. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.Blue so black,A velvet sweep away to deeper shadows empty;Points of diamond ice prick splendourInto this thin, still-born air.Breath is wreathed around my face,Silver sinking, mouth to ground;A glittering mist of moisture's stasisBeads the frozen earth with glass.Silence, heavy,Hope lies coldAnd petrified in ancient wells.Rime a...