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Green Stories


Another New Years Eve, another party. I’m not sure how I got roped into going. I’m not really a party person. I didn’t want to be there, that’s for sure. If there had of been a way to leave without being noticed I would have. Most of the people there were work colleagues with their wives or girlfriends. If I had of been caught sneaking out I’m sure I would have been ribbed at work for weeks. It seemed the only option open...

Spring Desert

Spring in a desert can be more beautiful than one might believe...

Everything is dead or dying, My brother tells me. There isnothing alive and green.I run to the window and show hima beauty like none elsewhere but here.Look, I tell him pointing, the bushes areboldly green. Wild do they grow,and so carefree. Can't you see, brother?Even the desert can be green.Green it may be, he says, but alive it is not.See how the center is brown and gone?That is not alive. That is gone. A lizard races...

Born in a world of wonder Exasperated by the sheer natural beauty Exploring earths gardens unseen and fairExcavating buried elemental treasure Tearing life's diversity asunderMaking personal enrichment sole dutyGrowing industrial advances pollute the airCreating the next mass extinction without measure Blind for its own going underA mere stain on earths historyThe globe keeps turning less squareUnaware, creating new world...