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Medical Stories


The Crucial Test

It was the news I dreaded, but read anyway.

I stand in my tiny kitchen to get a cool glass of apple juice. I grip the bottle tightly as I pour. I stop pouring, not because the glass is full, but because my hand shakes so violently. The shaking is worse now. I can barely hold anything without shaking anymore. I know something is wrong, but no one listens to me. I finally fill my glass after three attempts, I do not spill any this time. I slide the glass across the c...

Sushi Surprise-----The Director’s Cut

A rewrite of a raw work that was previously e-published and reviled by thousands.

I like to eat real pink raw fish. I’ll put one on my little dish. I’ll stroke the tiny, delicate fin. The little eyes will make me grin. I’ll lay it on its scaly side. Then I’ll remove the fishy hide. I’ll take a long and wistful look at what came off that sharp fish hook. I’ll pat the little fishy tummy and know that it will taste just yummy. Then I’ll de-bone without delay to make the perfect fish fillet. I’ll sniff a f...