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Fish Stories


As autumn leaves fell, our lives’ hue darkened. Covid-19 grounded Sarah’s corporate-lawyer lifestyle. We fretted; could infection accompany me home from the hospital? Challenging times, despite dad’s toilet paper stockpile. It pays not to giggle when your girlfriend repeatedly tries to shoo our cat away from her Zoom meeting. “Annie, stop it!” Sarah’s tone was so testy. Scooping up the cat and depositing her on the balcon...

 The arrival of Amy’s mother, complete with an old photo album halted both their card game and the Interrogation of Willie. The invitation they had expected and feared, to join her on the couch, soon followed. When the migration ended, Willie and Amy were sitting on either side of her mother while Mark and Bob knelt and peered over them from behind the couch. The first picture Mrs. Marshall pointed out showed two babies,...

John......the Ghost ch 2Later that day Sara keeps an eye out watching Jimmy as he mows and edges the yard next door. After finishing the mowing, Jimmy pulls the mower out by the alley and brings the hose out to clean it off.He is wiping the mower down when Jake suddenly barks and jumps up to run and greet Jimmy's Dad. Jimmy runs and hugs his father and grins broadly when he looks around, "Wow Jimmy their yard looks great....

Big Black

Everyone is a friend at Clay Pond; with a few exceptions.

The Adventure into Nature Begins BIG BLACK Prelude To Clay Pond The story of Clay Pond is more than a legend; its an actual account of the lives of every one who ever lived here. Each creature was important, and no one was superior to any one else. The pond was created by a meteor landing at the site of an artesian well. This pond was spring fed as a result and would never run dry. Lilies began popping up all around the e...

Sushi Surprise-----The Director’s Cut

A rewrite of a raw work that was previously e-published and reviled by thousands.

I like to eat real pink raw fish. I’ll put one on my little dish. I’ll stroke the tiny, delicate fin. The little eyes will make me grin. I’ll lay it on its scaly side. Then I’ll remove the fishy hide. I’ll take a long and wistful look at what came off that sharp fish hook. I’ll pat the little fishy tummy and know that it will taste just yummy. Then I’ll de-bone without delay to make the perfect fish fillet. I’ll sniff a f...