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Literature Stories


A villanelle is a poetic form that has been extremely popular over the years. One of the most famous was written by Edward Arlington Robinson who lived from 1869 until 1935. He was the winner of the first Pulitzer Prize for poetry in 1921. He wrote his villanelle, "The House on the Hill," in 1894. It entered the public domain in 1986.  It's my intention to use the same rhyming words that Robinson used in that poem to crea...

My Ophelia

Get thee to a nunnery.— Hamlet

If I had known herI would have askedHow does a heart break We are not born with excess bits and piecesTo be broken offGiven away hereLeft behind therePressed between the pages of a favorite bookLike a flower barely resembling what it once wasLifelessA pale and dull hue of what should have been Everything is so necessaryCodependentThe smallest absence can devastateA tremor can take things away from youThe use of a handOne...

Rising strings of violins wretch in my head’s empty chamber and descend deep into the chasms of my throat. I can feel them tremble and whisper, “We will shake hands with Heaven the day all of this rubble turns to light and returns to stars.” Mallets strike my eardrums without any pattern, rhythm, or beat. Sympathy possesses either any man or God, for God is sleeping now, heavy and guarded. His comatosed arm is thrown as h...

When I was in bed alone after an uneventful August day back in 2002 (I remember because I recently got my heart broken), it wasn't apparent to me back then that I was having a moment which quite possibly changed my life. It was the day that my life as I knew it, no longer hanged in the balance. If I had a roving reporter following me around chronicling my life, he would have said, "This is history right here".I was not al...