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Living in the body of a charred and colossal skeleton lies a man wanting to burst through the rib cages and escape. A man wanting to tear at the skin and crawl out like a birthing baby. A man trying to scream so loud that the eardrums can no longer ignore his cries. But with every scream and every scratch the skeleton heals itself and ignores that any of it happened. The only space surrounding the skeleton is a void unfat...

Earth rises to the west, and a deep blackness thick as milk is to the east. Through the glass in front of you is the saddest sight you will ever see. But yet, you do not know why. Beneath you are screams of metal, crunching and crashing, terrifying your bones. They shake and tremble, holding eachother together. Losing all feeling in your muscles, all you feel are your nerves sending electricity through your body. Shocks a...

Down the middle are white birds flying against the hard, black sea. They fly past me, almost through me, and thin sun beams follow quickly past. The end of the sky is met with gray ashes that run down the seams keeping the whole scene together. A rumble under my feet reminds me of the continents shaking and growling as they moved into place. Rubber against the deep, asphalt sky rolls and pushes off the wings of the white...