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Shakespeare Stories


My Ophelia

Get thee to a nunnery.— Hamlet

If I had known herI would have askedHow does a heart break We are not born with excess bits and piecesTo be broken offGiven away hereLeft behind therePressed between the pages of a favorite bookLike a flower barely resembling what it once wasLifelessA pale and dull hue of what should have been Everything is so necessaryCodependentThe smallest absence can devastateA tremor can take things away from youThe use of a handOne...

Romeo and Juliet...Revisited

A modern look at Romeo and Juliet.

Let me tell you a story about two young lovers,A tragic love story, been told by many others. The servants of Montague, and of Capulet,Fought for their Masters, sometimes until death. Escalus warned them not to breach the peace again,Or he would see to it, every one of them was slain. The feud between the houses started long ago,Neither would surrender, or let the hatred go. *** A Montegue bird sits perched in a tree,Wait...

Thouest my love Flattering like a sparrow Chirp and sing Melodies Then thou art Take this love And let us travel Like travelling musicians Breaking down China’s wall Rebuilding Berlin Asleep we lie In the kings palace Take this heart As if we were Romeo and Juliet Underlying passion If we must die I wish to die In love Holding you With clutch hands Like sinking titanic Whisper Soft In my winters heart Slowly Take me into...