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Villanelle Stories


Is God A Nihilist?

Do not go gently into that good night - Dylan Thomas

Savour the day, embrace the warmth in life’s fire. Look, dervishes magnetically swirl in bridal pale, Rise, my friend; dance, dance till the embers expire. No future-fretting; it's shrouded, that ending you admire. Let fingers trace life’s pattern, morsels even lurk in braille, Savour the day, embrace the warmth in life’s fire. Take it from me; its new found tastes that inspire. Imbibe the draughts and dregs in existence’...

A villanelle is a poetic form that has been extremely popular over the years. One of the most famous was written by Edward Arlington Robinson who lived from 1869 until 1935. He was the winner of the first Pulitzer Prize for poetry in 1921. He wrote his villanelle, "The House on the Hill," in 1894. It entered the public domain in 1986.  It's my intention to use the same rhyming words that Robinson used in that poem to crea...

Villanelle to Shared Hiraeth

Hiraeth: homesickness for a place which maybe never was; yearning for lost places of your past

Nostalgia yearns for places never found,We search in hope, with joy, and trusting sighs;Hiraeth is ours, both souls are homeward bound. The hollow echoes with a birdlike sound, A song is heard, it crests and gently dies; Nostalgia yearns for places never found. We found a love that shared a common ground Where both of us had suffered burns from lies; Hiraeth is ours, both souls are homeward bound.A gentle touch said all m...

The tempest stopped, our doom has passed us by, Strong winds now die and leave the world at peace. This storm has ended, dawning day draws nigh. Through thunderous lightening, flashes in the sky, We weathered all the gales and dire caprice.The tempest stopped, our doom has passed us by.Flood waters drain away, the lanes soon dry, And streams are waning as the rains decrease.This storm has ended, dawning day draws nigh.Exp...

In Winter Seek Your Passion

Considered to be the most difficult poetic form by some, the villanelle is a challenge.

In Winter seek your passion long since passed, And know that what you sow you often reap. Your life dreams may yet come to you at last.Though ancient hills cache secrets cruelly vast Inside their rock strewn oaken hollows deep, In Winter seek your passion long since passed.Don't worry that her leaving seemed forecast,Just know as Winter drowsing brings on sleep Your life dreams may yet come to you at last.Although the son...

Ere Darkness Comes

This is my attempt at a villanelle. See Dylan Thomas' Do not go gentle into that good night.

Ere darkness comes to end this fervid quest, And night subdues until the gleaming dies, Walk onward down the path toward gentle rest.A seeking youth, you strive to leave the nest;To dance with vigor, winning every prize,Ere darkness comes to end this fervid quest.A mindful strength has brought you to a crest, With quiet force endeavor to be wise;Walk onward down the path toward gentle rest. Achieving summits fate has left...