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Freak Stories


It amazes me how so many people don’t know how to wash their hands properly. You see it everywhere: on TV, in public toilets, even in hospitals. It bothers me to the point where I wanna rant about it. So I will. Let me just say that I’m not a clean freak, or a hygiene freak, by any means, but the hand washing thing does irk me. There really is no excuse for it. We are, after all, supposed to be educated. This all started...

Women: Stream of Conciousness

A steam of conciousness about women

I feel like I, wait; I feel obligated to set the record straight on my view on women; The old goddesses. Because I have been known to publicly spew comments which seem to be of pure "this kid's got mommy issues" essence. The thing is...I hate them so much...because, well...because of my own self loathing...because I love them so much that I don't have the fucking balls or social skills to speak up (so I blame...