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Memoirs Stories


They are going to betray you and they are going to forget you I heard them say once, and it’s one of the reasons I walk alone. And feeling like I am stranded like a runaway out in the vast ocean, so I walk on down the line making my way hearing the occasional stranger’s voice and looking everywhere, with the ghost of time and my shadow as my only companions. Feeling at times as if I were a primitive man and hearing myself...

If there is no end, then there can be no beginning. And beginnings are very delicate things, with a lot seeming as if they are playing charades, and making life to be either their joke or pantomime and totally unknown of what can be seen. We all have one life and need to be living it, and not hiding away or looking back at that past that is not so far behind as we think it is. Sometimes feeling a touch trying to lead me a...

Woke in the middle of the night recalling once I tried to count the stars that wheel over head, and recall that I have heard a lot of laughter from him and them, and others as well as have seen and experienced a lot of pain. Seems I have been hanging on to both memories and time as I tried to run as fast as I could in the darkest hours. Trying to hold onto things but, they still slip away, here in this concrete jungle and...

A Smooth Running Gun (Revised)

This was rejected repeatedly from the Red side and hope all who read it enjoy.

Finding myself waking at the break of day to a coffee scented morning here in Paris, and propping myself up on an elbow under that red comforter as I look around and breathe in that rich coffee smell. And thinking of what was seen in the dreaming as I attempt to shake off the dark colours of the previous night’s dreams, as I stare at the dust mote filled patches of the sun’s dark light as it illuminates the books lying th...

Kýrie Eléison

This is my Final Posting for an undetermined period of time.

Having been asked at times if I know where I am going to and if I have liked what life has had to show and offer to me? There have been no open doors when I looked behind and instead stood tall for when they called me out. Quite a few dreams have slipped away and never had any answers to those questions that were posed to me, and if I did answer then in some cases it seemed like something sad was said, and taken by them t...

Standing here on my own and having stood the test of time and finally took steps that were defined, and knowing that free will and the truth in life are the greatest gifts we all were given yet at times they don’t seem to fit. So I am going down, deep down that only road that I seem to know and follow through this Vale of Tears called life, and wanting to go and be in those Highlands and hear the sounds that can take all...

It seems at times as though we have been like living on a prayer, and we need to hold on to all that we have and all we had and that’s important. We have each other and that’s enough to get by most times and going to make it with you, or go down swinging for the fences and die trying to do all with you.And all we need is a change in another place where all isn’t so cold, and walking the streets and recording all that I se...

I had heard it said once that the Devil lives in the details, and I know just exactly what was meant when I heard it said by them. Though, most of the time I try and stay focused and try to look ahead at what might come, even if I feel at times as if I am walking through a wasteland as I make my way down the line, and being like some kind of a wandering ghost or like a ghost living in the machinery. But I will somehow sur...

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It seems as though I cast the die a few years ago on a game of pitch and toss, and now find myself being called and directed where to go on an old road known as Highway 61. Feeling like I had set sail as I headed down it and heard and felt that false clock trying to distract me, and having heard voices calling and knowing that spirits are using me as I thought of how many times I fell. And have since then been looking for...

Finding myself out here again on that old Highway 61once again, and hearing the old cries and commands in my head as I make my way where it leads; the old marching songs of :” Leforight, 2,3,4, sound off; 1,2, sound off; 3, 4, cadence count; 1,2,…3, 4”! And as I look back and know one should never look back but sometimes we do it anyway and see the flames, that are still pouring from that empty boxcar that still sits ther...

Hearing the sound of piano notes being played as if it were an overture or prelude, almost as if all had been choreographed or set to music like a set piece yet I know it to be a mind game, with confusion mingling with the sound of curses echoing from past lost opportunities mixed with regrets. As I stand here wondering if paradise is lost or just been blinded by rainbows and watching the wind? Feeling like I am on the do...

Finding myself walking alongside the river at the tail end of that winter of discontent, as I find myself taking that path beside it, as I follow each serpentine curve and going to where it leads, and not minding the fine mist from those heavy gun metal grey skies overhead. And still being able to still feel a touch of the winter and it’s chill that’s still in the air, and having the feeling of being watched, and observed...

You standing there next to me, heard me say once, that I wanted to be able to touch the earth in all its various forms and meanings, and to feel it under my feet as I hold it and be able to break its clods in my hands, and then to be able to sleep here with you upon this hard packed ground. As I feel myself lost in your warmth and the comfort of your arms.With pillows of bluebonnets under our heads, underneath a vast blan...

Sitting here in these early morning hours watching downtown come to life, and hearing the faint strains of the X-Files theme being played in the background, and is seeming to emphasize these strange days and times that have caught up and found me. As I feel the triple shot of that silver bullet caffeine begin to kick in and know that the Devil’s in the details and not all has been revealed completely or made clear with th...

There once was an only moment that had too few folks in focus: Not the first, not the last, and not the least, and always there seems to stand a form of unforgiving opposition to the foibles of us, who inhabit this Vale of Tears, as destruction seems to be always right around the corner and though beauty might surround us it cannot save us. There are also moments and times when beauty and mystery collide with the power to...