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Play the guitar as I sing you a song...

Let me caress your shapely body Play my fingers to your edges Knows every parts of you. Let me learn how to play you Strums that strings of yours Flick that cords for you. Let's play music to the air Strumming you deep so the Music will play out from you. Let's hear that gentle sounds That echoes from your music As we play the cords of you. Let the symphony accompany This acoustic instruments to life That will mix our sou...

Chapter 16 The girl with sparkling golden hairRune had used the time wisely and had almost everyone free, "Are you just going to stand there or help me?" she asked, showing some irritation towards Lowenna. Lowenna glanced over at her before looking at the dead orc again. There was a moment of silence only broken by another slave being freed before Lowenna went over to help. Rune passed her an unusually shaped key, with th...

"Uggh, why do I have to find her? Why couldn't she have just stayed in the room like all the other patients?" Alex grumbled as he trudged through the dense underbrush. He nearly fell when his foot brushed an exposed root but caught himself mid-fall. He couldn't understand why he was the one sent to look for a girl who had nearly killed him. After all, if she was strong enough to attack him, wasn't she strong enough to tak...

What can I do to make you stay?Don't leave me alone on this awful day;I fight back the tears as they start to flow;'cause no matter what, you're still going to go;Alone once again and no way to share;the pain of my loss, the load which I bear;Lord, hold me close within your embrace,since nothing else fills this cold empty space;In my heart is an ache so very deep;each night I toss and turn, till at last ...restless sleep.

Genders, Genitals and Gripes

Oh, so you identifiy as *insert gender*? You want a prize?

As most of you know, I am a man. I wear nail polish and have my hair long. I occasionally wear makeup and crossdress a little bit. As traditional gender roles go, I’ve eschewed most of them. I don’t see the point of them. When I was wee, I’d play with cars, Meccano, LEGO, dolls and anything else I wanted to because I wanted to. I wasn’t limited in what I was allowed to play with, except that one time in primary school.I w...

It was a day just like today, I remember,  The beginning of spring, a day of fresh beauty.  Vanished were the harsh and bitter winds of winter.  The landscape dull and heavy under a sullen sky,  And the very earth hard like iron, cold and dead.  But that was all forgotten now, just like a dream  From which we had awakened into a new world,  Redolent with hope and promise, lifting our hearts,  And filling us with untold jo...

Valkyrie Rising

Loosely based on Norse Mythology

There are moments to live, and to die along with there being people being both good, and evil which go hand in hand with the moment to stand and fight. For all from the; soldier, civilian, martyr, and victim. Not to mention all the others like the; prophet, pariah, liar, sinner, saint, fool, and sages. It becomes a moment of truth and a baptism in fire in most cases down to the last one standing on either the right or the...

Cook De'Kane: The Invisible Flame

Welcome to Sycamore County, a land of corruption and crime.

His presence was as discomforting as foretold. His cold and emotionless eyes pierced right through her. She had been warned of his dead stare but the forewarning gave her no upper hand. She was in absolute discomfort and he was enjoying the control. His name was Cook De’Kane, ‘The Invisible Flame’. A ruthless but often mute assassin with a reputation for making his hits look like accidents. He was infamous for never being...

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Her name was Revenance Widow, but to her friends, she was known as Vena. She was only sixteen years old but already known as a highly skilled treasure hunter amongst amateur adventurers. She had recently lost her partner, a boy whose name no one knew. She had been found lying on the ground screaming and unresponsive to anyone attempting to wake her. It wasn't until she was moved to a separate room that she finally calmed...

Staircase To Nowhere

All I want is someone who will stay, no matter how hard it is to be with me.

Has she been on the staircase to nowhere In search of the one she lost.  Has he offered to shoulder her burdens No matter what it might cost.   Could the feelings return with his presence  Reaching out to her once more. Could she spin from the past to the present  Dancing close upon his shore.   Will she ask for her wants and accept them No longer merely abide. Will he gather her deep in his bosom Vowing to stay by her si...


The future is bleak.

The rainwhich beatsupon the glasspoints thewayto poisongas. The sunwhichwarms the stagnant poolgoes down atduskand leaves itcool. The cloudsmushroomingoverheadtell us there’smuch more todread. The lightning strokewhich tears theskycarries deathto low and high. Good and evil,love and hate,they’re all waiting at the gate.Betrayal, fear,pain, and deathcan be feltin every breath.

BookBoy and the Library of Alexandria: After The End

He loved books. So did she. And that was how the world was rebooted.

Once upon a time, there lived a boy who loved only books.Comic books, textbooks, crime noir, Westerns, romance, classics, pop-science, esoterica, ancient philosophy and mythology. Trilogies, prequels, sequels, reboots, stand-alone, shared worlds. If it had ink and paper, he'd read it. And he had his favourites, oh yes – but Bookboy knew better than to judge a book by its cover. So he gave every book a chance, and he read...

"If you could have one thing, what would it be?" "Hmm?" he asked. "If I could have one thing? Well, that's an easy one. But before I tell you, what about you? What would you want?" "What!?" his partner gasped. "No, no, no, no, no, no. I asked you first. You tell me and then I'll tell you." "I can't, otherwise you might be swayed by my answer," he laughed. "No I wouldn't," his partner proudly spoke. "For nothing can change...

If I had the power to take the pain away from you, this is something that I so willingly would do;It'd be gone in just a moment with a single prayer filled thought;You'd finally find some peace and not be so distraught;I know I can't have my wish granted anytime today;So, I'll gently hold you in my heart as I bow my head and pray;Please keep in mind, my friend, that I'll be right here for you; No matter what the situation...