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Stuff Stories


The Silliest Poem Ever

I'm serious, this poem is really silly. You probably shouldn't take it very seriously.

 Gimmie a lineand I’ll make it shine.Gimmie a mineand I’ll make it bine.Wait, what? I’ll make it bine?Time I end this rhyme,Or else, I fear, it will ‘come a crime,Don’t whine. Just mime,Shuddery shudder, don’t dare mime,you’ll scare me totally out my mind.Was that last line far too long?I don’t care, take a bong!Dong.Key.Kong. Y’okay, I’m off,Wanna toff......Ee?

Ramble On!

Totally unfiltered, unedited and that's the way it's staying, for this is my head

A working laptop, a word processing program and some good music, that’s all I need. Right now it’s It’s Gonna Rain! By Bonnie Pink. I don’t quite know what it is about, but I think it’s about breaking up with someone. I did look up a translation (it’s in Japanese) but I don’t really trust them. Transliterations are better because they actually translate symbol-type languages, like Japanese, better than just translating. T...

This May Make You Hungry

I was really hungry when I wrote this

Earlier, I was writing. I was really enjoying it, writing about food and stuff. You know how my musings go. I don’t figure them out in my head before writing. It’s just all in the moment. I like it that way, but my computer doesn’t seem to. Switched itself off, it did! The wee bugger got a smack on the head for it and told that I don’t like it. “I hate you!” Were my exact words. I had this whole section about pork scratch...

A Bunch of Stuff

I just started rabbiting. Read on, if you want.

My keyboard doesn't seem to be working properly. For someone like me, who types all the time, that ain't a good thing. It's downright annoying, actually. When I get on a roll, I tend to bash it really hard and quick. That almost sounds like a euphemism, but it ain't. Though, that is true too. Don't mind me, I'm just rabbiting. I fancy duck today, or at some point when I'm awake again. I'll have duck and perhaps a... Huh....

General Things of Ramblyness

Unfiltered stuff from my moosh

Cross legged, I sit. Topless on my bed, fan blowing at me. I’m far too hot. That’s not a complaint you hear much where I am from. It’s usually that it’s too damned cold, but I can’t complain too vehemently. No, I do not like the sun, or rather, I don’t like the heat it brings with it, but it is nice to see it. It’s kind of a scary sight, but it does do wonderful things. It brings life, it sustains life, it does make other...

Just Thoughts

I had to write something, this is the result. Thoughts and stuff happening.

On Tuesday, I went out for a walk. I hadn’t been out for three days - I don’t go out at the weekend and couldn’t be bothered on Monday, so went out on Tuesday. I was really just wanting to get out and take a walk, to nowhere really. I had to clear my head and hopefully make myself breath a little better. I’m suffering from seasonal allergies just now and it’s pretty horrendous, so I was hoping a walk to somewhere it isn’t...


This isn't a story, it's a mewsing *mew*

My laptop screen is too bright, but I can’t be bothered turning it down. I’ll just live with it. I decided to get some food to quell my hunger but all that did was make me even more hungry and thirsty. I have a notification on Facebook, which has turned out to be crap and I’m currently drawing level with my opponent in Tekken 3. Whoopee. My writing endeavours all turn out to be crap, which is fzarking annoying. Yeah, I us...