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Poetry Stories


Only Now Do I See

It was a time I should remember well

It is a time I should remember well,the feelings special still when I recall.It may be true the thoughts of you are spreadacross the years and visions do not cometo me as I would wish that they might do. If you should ever pass me by I'd knowthat you were one so pure, so precious inmy life both then and now. A magic truththat will not leave my mind and still goes onremaining in my heart to share my soul. But tiresome is t...

My Enemy

Anger is never your friend.

I have seen the enemyMy foe, my cause to stopThey are evil, no doubtirrational violence unending Their acts are heinousMy anger hot as magmadesirous of apoplectic revengeblackening my heart I cannot mirror their hatredCondemning my own soulPatience is my providenceI will not mirror their evil Moving against my nemesisDetermination as my swordThe enemy is vanquishedMy pneuma resting peacefully    

Just Live in Fairyland

Seek the land of Fairies

She lives there in your Fairyland of Dreams. She'll be there when you seek her, never fear.Don't worry, you are playing love's sweet games,the ones that keep you living life's pure joy. We realize the trust we give to thosewe love returns to us in manifolddegrees. So keep the partnerships we havesincerely touching in communion now. No doubt we understand the differing hopesout there that all of us have reckoned on. Our se...

Prairie Suite

Let the wind lift you up on your dreaming wings

Eyes open slowly,the horizon spreading out.Awaken with joy. Bird songs whistle andfill our ears triumphantly.The prairie is alive. Blue skies above us,scarlets and ambers blending.Blossoms have appeared. Viewing the landscapeas we share the atmosphere.Breathing perfumed air.  Hands entwined warmlyfeeling the moisture mixing.Sharing our heartbeats. Breezes carry notes;winds sing happy melodies.Our voices are joined.  The d...

Forever Kitten

She has always been my kitten

The fact that she is here with me is grandand now I call her what she has becomebecause it simply is the way I thinkabout her now as we grow closer still.  It may not be the way I chose to callher once upon a time but now I findthat this is how I'll always see her face,eternal kitten in my thoughts and dreams. Endearing words can bring her joy I knowfrom seeing how her eyes will glow and shinewhenever words of love comple...

In Twilight Time

The time grows short but love will never die

The days grow short, your time runs out but lovewill never die. You simply must acceptthat it has come to you once more. Acceptthe way you have so many times before. You know that it is true; just look at themand realize the honesty they smile. They smile at you with winning eyes and sighsas both of you join arms and dance again.You dance, ignoring twilight falling soon.Your soul embraces love, it trusts once more,and nev...

A villanelle is a poetic form that has been extremely popular over the years. One of the most famous was written by Edward Arlington Robinson who lived from 1869 until 1935. He was the winner of the first Pulitzer Prize for poetry in 1921. He wrote his villanelle, "The House on the Hill," in 1894. It entered the public domain in 1986.  It's my intention to use the same rhyming words that Robinson used in that poem to crea...


An Echo Rings

A heartbeat can be a story in itself

An echo rings. It is a heartbeat; or maybe two. Shall we guess, or do we know? An echo rings. It’s in my mind; maybe you hear, too? Maybe you hear two? An echo rings. It is there. It is here. It is one. It is our heartbeat; a destined union. An echo rings. Can you hear it? Can you feel it? It is our heartbeat; lay your head on my chest. Listen. That heartbeat is us.  

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these walls defend the seed that growsas root and stem extend their throwsno angry mob, no crippling galecan cause the seedling spread to failthese walls allow the plant to thinkto find it's own internal syncto see the sky and see the groundand weave the two in lace profoundthese walls rebound the tempting callof those who'd see the progress stallas flowers bloom and scent extendsthese walls call time the best of friendsb...

Have You Been There

Yes, I understand, I've been there, too

We touch each other alwayswith hearts, with minds, with soulwe don't just share our liveswe make two parts a whole We know each other's thinkingin every single waywe're strengthening our friendshipwith all we do and say We've learned to live togetherin good times and in badby feeling and embracingwhen happy or when sad We watch the world around usexpressing what we maywe always comprehendwhat we both think or say We clear...

Reaching Out Into The Darkness

I still hear the voice that echoes in my heart

I still recognize thetimber and the tone. Hear the sound of her voicedeep inside From her voice in my mindthat one time.Only one time did we speak,share ourselves. Only one time did shepaint my heart with sound. Said my name, and it brought me tears of joy. Said my name,can you understand the thrill? Reaching out into the darkness,'cross the world, Sending echoes of her caringto my ears. Hear her voice and remember it eac...

Unabashed blood rainbow huesTossed in a sea of whittled newsA whiplash current, a greedy bearEats its fill within its lair.Stomping fields of calves and thighsPrance around with filtered eyesOne princess calls monks to her foldBlue eyes flash, 'Do as you're told.'Humping, whooping, the highest heelsBefore her, a sallow beggar kneelsShe bellows out false truths of starknessThen reaches for the touch of darknessThis one her...

The gull sails aloft white-crested oceanas smooth as silk, in perfect motioneyes scan the surf for silver glimmersto harvest crops of scaly dinnersA glint, a meal, a hunger realan upward swoop with deft and zealone turn, a hover, then a plungesharp golden beak in deathly lungeQuick splash, a grab, wings pumping roughspraying surf, jaw clenching toughsprat writhing in a fatal snaregills choking on cruel ocean airSnap of th...


Can't tell you enough

For DancingintheRain

  I will tell you that you are beautifulone thousand times,then a thousand times more.I will talk to your heart,then whisper to your soul.And when I finally see you and touch you,I will tell you that you are beautifulone thousand times,then a thousand times more.Words will betray me a thousand times,but I will tell you that you are beautiful, then tell you a thousand times more.  

If I had one wishI'd be a fishI'd swim the seaand make a splishIf I had one otherI'd make a brotherWe'd splish aroundWith one anotherIf a third would comeI'd make a mumTo make us smileWhen we were glumIf a fourth were hadI'd make a dadTo keep us safeFrom all that's badThen out we'd set, and swim all fourSkimming above the ocean floorFrom coast to kelp to shell to shoreAnd skip and play forevermore