Support some of the best authors anywhere right here, show them that their work really matters to you by tipping them.
Space Coins are a site-wide currency that can be used to put money into people's tip jars. You can then gift these coins again and again on the site or convert them into cash, site membership upgrades, or competition prizes.
They are a great way for members to be able to generate revenue from their work or site profiles. The site receives thousands of visitors every year, but your tip or story purchase can make a huge difference.
You might just like someone's profile so decide to give them some Space Coins or perhaps give some to a friend. It's a flexible site currency so you decide.
Anyone can benefit from them, it is for anyone who wants to earn money from their work or members who want to tip authors.
Our writers can now earn Space Coins from members as a reward for their hard work and creative talent. Coins can be converted into site benefits or cashed out to be spent however you see fit.
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