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2 weeks ago
United States



Dear Brother Part II: I'm sorry

If you ever see this... it is all I have been wanting to say that I could not. Please forgive me.

I love you- You know that right? Every time that I have told you no, I was hoping it was for your own good. You say you are no longer the same person, That he died long ago. I don't belive you. I will always see you as the strong, amazing, and most braves...

Dear Brother

This is for my brother who I have not seen in a long time. If you see this... I love and miss you.

I am enraged. Why must our lives be so difficult? Why must those who are supposed to love us, Hurt us? The idea of you hurting in any way pains me. It fills me with a burning hatred I have long forgotten. To know that you are being beaten down, And treate...

Why must I be the one who is punished?The one who is afraid to sleep at night? Who feels alone every second of everyday?I didn't do this to myself. I didn't ask you to hurt me. You sleep at night,While I try to pick up the pieces of my life. While trying...

Stop saying you love me, Because I don't think you understand how much I hurt, How much I cry, How many times I wake up in the middle of the night screaming, Because of you.  I don't think you know how many times I look over my shoulder. Even though you'r...

You haunt my dreams.Every dream turns dark and evil with a glimpse of you.When will I be at peace?I know when death knocks on your door, I will still be haunted.Your presence will linger around me like fog.Scared, so scared I feel you're behind me.Waiting...