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Attitude Stories


It started with a phone call from my wife who was out shopping. "I'm bringing home a cat," she told me. "You don't need my permission. Is it in need?" I asked. "Yes, he is and he's a big boy," she responded. "I look forward to meeting him," was my final word before the line went dead. About two hours later she arrived home with a large carrier. I was told they gave it to her with the adoption. She opened the door and out...

Working with children, you're privy to some of their conversations. Overheard snippets as you walk past or sit next to them. Even the very young children somehow seem to be able to effectively communicate with each other. To me, it just sounds like random noises and baby babble, but they just know. On Wednesday I was partially privy to such a conversation when I walked down the other end of the playground to defuse a squi...


When Shasta found out that I wrote, she asked me to write something about her. I am honored...

Beautiful child Bright as the sun Mischievous rascal Looking for fun She comes to class bringing her attitude A false bravado that hides the real girl inside A mouthy young soul that keeps herself hidden Throwing up walls and burning bridges. If you are fortunate enough to be allowed in You will see the treasure that is her She is intuitive and incredibly bright The sweetness of her heart rarely revealed. Those on the out...