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The Kit

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Their Dad came home from work in a great mood. He hugged his two girls and then kissed his wife and the newborn in her arms.

"I have a surprise," he said with a smile and the girls crowded around asking what it was.

"Taa-Daa," he said and produced three tickets to Kings Island.

The girls squealed in delight as they stared at the tickets.

"Freebies from the owner," he stated as the girls started at the laminated tickets he handed them.

"But what about Mom?" his oldest daughter Mandy asked.

"Yeah and Louie," Monica, the younger daughter asked.

"Don't worry about me, "Mom replied. "I don't really want to expose your baby brother to all that noise just yet."

As Dad headed to the garage to have a cigarette the girls headed upstairs to the room they shared to pick out their outfits. Mom grabbed her oldest daughter Mandy by the wrist before she was two stairs up.

"Don't forget to pack the kit," Mom said in a quiet voice.

The girls spent the next two hours trying on ensembles. They elected to wear their bikini tops under their t-shirts instead of the standard bra. Doing that would avoid the embarrassment of walking around with their bras visible under their wet garments just in case they got soaked on one of the water rides.

They also inserted lifts in Monica's shoes to give her two inches in height and eliminate the problem of being too short for some rides.

Once they were satisfied with their selections, a spare change of clothing was placed in a backpack just in case. Then from the back of the closet, Mandy dug out an old blue and white Samsonite suitcase from the fifties, The contents were checked and in the dead of night, she carried it to her Dad's Cadillac and placed it in the trunk along with their backpacks.

The park was only about a two-and-a-half-hour drive away, but everyone was up early. The girls showered and did their hair and then spent a great deal of time applying their makeup. They then bounded to the kitchen just as their dad headed to the garage to enjoy a morning cigarette with his coffee.

"My little girls are growing up so fast," he said to himself as they greeted him with hugs and kisses.

They were too excited to eat, but their Mom managed to get a large glass of orange juice in them. Dad reappeared and they bid their Mom and baby brother goodbye before they all headed out the door.

When they were about half an hour away from the park they stopped for breakfast, a real breakfast at a little diner. Bacon, eggs, hash browns and toast. It was a routine they had adopted a few years ago and they looked forward to it.

Once back in the car, Dad gave each girl twenty dollars apiece.

"That's in case you get hungry or want to play one of the games," he told them.

The gates of the park opened at eight and the rides started up and nine. They headed to the newest roller coaster so Dad and Mandy could take their place in line. Monica was not big on the new coaster that looped and curled, so she left them to stash their backpacks in one of the storage lockers.

 She returned to their side just as the line slowly moved forward. Dad promised that he would take his youngest daughter on one of the older wooden coasters which she loved. As soon as her Dad and sister arrived at the boarding platform she headed to the line for one of the standard coasters.

She allowed other riders to cut in front of her as she waited. Dad finally appeared and she allowed him to cut in from of her shortly afterwards they boarded the coaster cars. Mandy was waiting for them as they exited and they made their way to the back of the park. That's when Dad discovered that the beer garden was open. He bid his daughters have fun as he took a seat and ordered a beer.

The girls rode the rides and saw the shows and tried their skills at the games and won some small prizes. It was around noon when they headed back to the beer garden. Dad was laughing and joking with some of the men there when they walked up and announced it was lunchtime.

Burger, fries and cokes were enjoyed by all in one of the outdoor restaurants. They finished lunch and returned to the rides as Dad headed back to the beer garden. Their Dad loved beer. He wasn't one of those individuals that became mean or violent, it was just the opposite. He became even more personable and entertaining when he drank and his presence was always welcomed by all. The problem was it didn't take much for him to become intoxicated.

"Is he gonna be OK?" Monica asked.

"Yeah, he's ok," Mandy responded.

A few times in the past Mom had to drive them home when Dad had one too many. However, with the birth of their new brother, she wasn't always with them and that's when the kit became necessary.

It was around five in the evening that the girls had enough of the park and headed back to collect their Dad. He had a big smile on his flushed face as he bid the others their farewell.

As they walked to their car the girls noticed that he occasionally listed to one side. They took his keys and opened the doors to the car.

"I'm going to rest my eyes for a moment," he told his girls as he took a seat on the passenger side.

Less than a minute later he was sound asleep. Mandy went to the truck and removed the suitcase and instructed her sister to keep an eye out. From the inside of the suitcase, she produced a grey fedora and placed it on her Dad's head. She tilted it so the brim covered his eyes.

A set of wooden blocks with velcro straps were removed from the suitcase and set to the side. Next came a long flowing wig that fell past her shoulders and a pair of oversized sunglasses, which she quickly donned. Next came two car seat cushions that were taped together and placed on the driver's seat.

Monica then took a seat behind the wheel and slipped the woodblocks over her shoes and tightened down the velcro straps. Once secure she told her younger sister to get in. Mandy took a place in the backseat as Monica started the big Caddy and moved toward the exit gates.

Now anyone that glanced at the big luxury car as it glided by them did not see a fifteen-year-old girl behind the wheel, but a young adult. Monica handled the car effortlessly as she headed toward the highway. The blocks on her feet allowed her to reach the gas and brake pedal easily and the seat cushion gave her the necessary height to see over the wheel.

As she drove she thought about the first time that her Mom let her get behind the wheel of the big caddy and was impressed by how fast her daughter mastered manoeuvring it around the parking lot of the shopping centre. Mom had just discovered that she was pregnant and decided that a fail-safe system was needed in case she was not with them to take the wheel if Dad was too intoxicated to handle it alone.

The cars containing single men blew their horns and smile at her as they passed. Some waved and smiled while others gave crude sexual gestures. Monica ignored them and smiled as she wondered what their reaction would be if they knew they were attempting to hit on a fifteen-year-old girl.

Night had fallen just as Monica turned the massive car into the driveway and skillfully parked it in the attached garage. Once inside and she quickly removed her disguise and placed the items back in the suitcase. Mom came to the door and hugged her girls. They then went through the difficult process of sliding their Dad behind the wheel

"Hey, you going to sleep in the car all night?" his wife asked as she gently shook her sleeping husband through the open window.

"We're home? I don't remember driving," he responded as he opened the door.

"Did my girls have a good time today?" Mom asked his daughters as their Dad headed to the couch.

Both girls responded in the affirmative along with a babble of all the things they saw and did while their Dad fell asleep in his lounger. Before turning in, Monica removed the kit from the trunk and then hid it among their junk in the garage. The kit was safe until it was needed again.



Written by The_Count
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