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Over 90 days ago



Following Dawn

Imagining rising and spiritually following dawn speaking poetry hoping to make a differece

If I followed dawn, I’d rise in my slow climb high above the sycamores, high above the clouds, the hills and valleys, the mountains, lakes and gleaming rivers rushing to the sea. I’d follow the blue day high above the groans of the dying, the screams of l...

The Heart

Her lover, an organ donor dies in an accident and mysteriously returns to her.

Emily Janson was devastated when she got the call that Jonathan, the man she was to marry in two weeks, was just killed in a motorcycle accident. Holding the phone to her ear, her breath leaving her, she stood still, unable to speak, unable to comprehend...

From Morning Songs: Noah's Wife

We never hear of Noah's wife who quietly did her part to save humanity

We never hear of her when we read how Noah gathered all God’s creatures— large and small and led them two by two into his Ark before the flood. We hear about his sons and how they worked to help him gather in the beasts and birds, the snakes and bugs and...

From Morning Songs: Reading the News

Sitting in my isolated cabin in the woods reading news from around the world on the internet

Yesterday, I read about a bomb that killed a family in Afghanistan twelve hours ago-- four children, their parents and another man, a friend, perhaps, or a grand-parent who, just before their house exploded, was eating soup, talking, maybe laughing. In th...

From Morning Songs: Sitting Here With Immortal Poets

Sitting with Keats, Whitman and Shakespeare chatting about their poetry and lives

Sitting here this morning with my second cup of coffee, looking at the empty chair across from me, wondering what I’d say if suddenly John Keats was there or Whitman with his broad rimmed hat or Shakespeare (would I call him Will?) and so somehow in the w...

Self Portrait in Poetry

Sitting and trying to make a self portrait in words

How should I pose before I paint with wordsmy portrait? Should I take my glasses offso that my adjectives can capture the youthfulblue and twinkle I am told is there--althoughwithout them I can’t read a word or see without a squint across the room?Or, sho...

My Table

From Morning Songs: Sitting at my table where I write each day

This table by the window where I writeand eat and watch the birds and squirrelsand pile my notebooks on and search the internet and sit with friendswho stop by for a chat and tea,its surface, once worn and stained,I sanded and refinished the other day, re...

My Table

From Morning Songs: Sitting at my table where I write each day

This table by the window where I writeand eat and watch the birds and squirrelsand pile my notebooks on and search the internet and sit with friendswho stop by for a chat and tea,its surface, once worn and stained,I sanded and refinished the other day, re...

Morning Songs

Announcing why I write a new poem every morning at 4am

Note: For several years I woke up at 4 am and wrote a new poem each dawn never knowing what would come. I’ve collected the best of them in a book called Morning Songs and now will share some of them with those who are interested.Each dawn I sit here waiti...

The Victims

We are all victims of war

THE VICTIMS (written at the beginning of the Iraq War) The bombs we drop fall on all of us. The houses that are rubble are my neighbors’ houses and now we live with them in rubble. The boy who lost his arm, the girl who lost her legs, the old man who was...