We never hear of her when we read
how Noah gathered all God’s creatures—
large and small and led them two by two
into his Ark before the flood.
We hear about his sons and how
they worked to help him gather in the beasts
and birds, the snakes and bugs and sail
beneath dark clouds and blowing rain
those forty days and nights until the dove
returned with a leaf and soon they found dry land.
We know he was a righteous man, blameless
we are told, but his nameless wife and the wives
of his sons remain unspoken of, but it was she
who gathered seeds from every plant,
who cared for them while she worked in Noah’s
shadow to feed and tend their beasts of every kind.
And when the rainbow came that marked
a new beginning, it was she who made the gardens
grow, the trees fill up with leaves and fruit,
who made the fields golden with wheat and barley
and still we never hear her name or how the seeds
she carried nourished all the generations after her.
We do not know if this story handed down to us
is true, but if it is, this wife who gathered seeds,
who has no name, whose beating heart and breath
let Noah and her sons be known while she went
about her days, humming happy songs, planting seeds.
how Noah gathered all God’s creatures—
large and small and led them two by two
into his Ark before the flood.
We hear about his sons and how
they worked to help him gather in the beasts
and birds, the snakes and bugs and sail
beneath dark clouds and blowing rain
those forty days and nights until the dove
returned with a leaf and soon they found dry land.
We know he was a righteous man, blameless
we are told, but his nameless wife and the wives
of his sons remain unspoken of, but it was she
who gathered seeds from every plant,
who cared for them while she worked in Noah’s
shadow to feed and tend their beasts of every kind.
And when the rainbow came that marked
a new beginning, it was she who made the gardens
grow, the trees fill up with leaves and fruit,
who made the fields golden with wheat and barley
and still we never hear her name or how the seeds
she carried nourished all the generations after her.
We do not know if this story handed down to us
is true, but if it is, this wife who gathered seeds,
who has no name, whose beating heart and breath
let Noah and her sons be known while she went
about her days, humming happy songs, planting seeds.