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Over 90 days ago
United States



As I sit looking out the window of my blackened soul. I see the light of the day outside. Reaching to touch it. To feel the warmth of the day from the coldness of the darkness. Wishing for my freedom. The freedom to feel the happiness that eludes me. Where is the sun shine to fill my soul with happiness. To fill it with love. To fill the void I feel. Where is the sweetness of life. Begging to let me out of my solitude. As...

With Mother... on her day... with love... A poem

With the love of my heart and soul Happy Mothers Day to the most wonderful woman in the world.

With a smile as bright as the golden sun rise you would wake me with love. With the warm hugs of love that held the sweet smell of honeysuckle you warmed my heart. With the soft loving kisses of the boo boos that came along to take the pain away. With the fun times and the sad times that came along. With the ups and the downs though out the years. With the love no other could show you were there. With the love of a mother...

As the night starts and the darkness comes over me, I look out into the darkness of the shadows, only see the shell of what once was. The hurt of being betrayed, the anger of being hurt, the sorrow that comes from the anger,  all tearing at me - trying to consume me. When will it all fade away? Why is the loneliness of a darkened soul all I feel? Feeling the burning of the blood coursing through my veins, feeling it carry...

As the sun set on yet another year’s passing, As it slowly fades into the darkness of the past. A new day begins as the sun rises on a new beginning, The oldness of days past sheds away from you. The feeling of newness washes over you, The hope of a brighter tomorrow shimmers in your eyes. You start the journey down the uncertain path of new beginnings, As you head for what lies ahead. A new year has begun and a new dawn...

As the darkness encompasses me I turn into a ghostly shadow of what was once.  I fade away to a nothingness as my eyes close. I go to my slumber that leads me to dreams of what could be.  I must bid Au revoir to days gone by.  The lights fade and sleep prevails to the night.  I bid you all sweet and peaceful dreams. 

Oh peaceful sleep do not evade me  for The Darkness of the night surrounds Only the sounds of the night for the ears to hear Closing my eyes to the restful night let not the dreams tear me asunder Keeping the night terrors at bay Let the slumber come with silent night for the dawns early light come with the first break of dawns light. Early wake with morning vigor of a good night sleep with peace of night.

As I disappear in to the darkness. The cold surrounds me, The bitterness sets in The light becomes dim The day is gone The night has come The emptiness swallows me whole The darkness fill me in The pain of the day Fades way to the cold of the night Lay there in the darkness begging for sleep Nay sleep never comes I toss and I turn I close my eyes to the night I open my ears to the sounds I fell nothing but stillness I ach...

She always has love and a hug. She always has caring and a kind word.She always has a hand to hold when I’m down. She is there even when we are apart.She knows when I am down and hurt. She knows when I am up and happy. When she is down she still loves me. When she is up she still loves me. She wraps here wings of protection around me.She always has a kind word to help my heart.She is both and angel and my sister. She is m...

The Mysteries of Love

The journey through the mystery of love

As the night falls The darkness comes The bitter coldness creeping in The light of love holding it back  The feeling of warmth surrounding in The path is lit for the journey down the long road The way ahead is uncertain The love is strong and will grow They to grow strong with each other The new day is next filled with mystery and wonder What will it hold where will it go No one knows but them as they walk the path of the...

Into the sunset

The cowboy's last ride

Into the sunset As the scarlet sun sets in the west a cowboy takes his last ride. As he travels off into that sunset and fades into the horizon as just a memory. You awake to the rising golden sun to the east. You see that a new day has begun. The campfire is cold and the cowboy’s coffee still sitting there. You know that he has been here.You know that he was watching over you. To the cowboy ghost and his trusty steed, sl...

The Battlefield of Life

A small poem about the everyday war of life

The day is dark and gloomy as I walk through the battlefield covered in blood. I look around on all the fallen warriors who have fought the battle of life. Warriors with nothing to show for their tireless fighting but their limbs being severed from their bodies from the sharpened swords of their enemies. I see young men that never had a chance to lead a full life lying in a mass of death. I continue on through the field o...